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Miss Information

I made out with a guy in the back of a car — while my boyfriend was driving. How can I make it up to him?

By Erin Bradley

Dear Miss Information,

I have a very basic problem. It's already been beautifully portrayed in the greatest of John Hughes' movies, Some Kind of Wonderful: I am a "Watts," or what others might call "the best friend." I perpetually find myself in friendships with young men that seem healthy and fun at the beginning, but commonly boil down to hurt feelings and lost friendships. It's an unhealthy cycle. It may be due to my natural instincts I love sci-fi, tell pretty sweet dirty jokes, and am still mothering enough to inadvertently create annoying co-dependent relationships. The friendships almost always begin because I try to flirt with a guy, but then it goes tragically wrong and I resolve to have a friendship with them, rather than nothing at all. The most recent "Keith Nelson" was having sex with two of my friends, but professed that I meant too much too him to risk our friendship. (I call bullshit, sir!) I'm determined to make a change. If you could help me find a way to stop talking about testicles when I get nervous around guys, that would help exponentially.

P.S. Everyone should watch Some Kind of Wonderful. It's basically a better-written Pretty in Pink Fuck Amanda Jones

Dear Fuck Amanda Jones

I'd love to say I concur, but I didn't get around to seeing S.K.O.W. until I was in my late twenties, whereas Pretty in Pink was a slumber-party staple. Molly and the gang are pretty much relatives at this point. I do admire Mary Stuart Masterson's fingerless gloves and soft butch haircut.

Best Friend Syndrome is to advice columnists what the common cold is to doctors. It manifests itself differently from person to person; there is no definitive cause or cure; and for some poor saps, it is constant and chronic.

Your letter does contain some diagnostic clues amidst all the fangirl talk. The word "mothering" jumps out at me like a big pair of granny panties waving at the top of a flagpole. There's nothing wrong with being kind and nurturing, but you've got to make people earn it, love. Too many shy or otherwise socially awkward people make the mistake of thinking they're flirting when they're actually being servile. I'd no sooner spend three hours running errands with a guy who hasn't shown any tangible interest than I'd come over with a bucket and a mop and detail his bathroom. And yet I've known a lot of friends who attempt to woo with these kinds of gestures because they're too afraid to take a risk and make a move early on. Yes, you may get shot down, but all you have to lose are extended angst and blue balls. The next time you find yourself listening while he yaps for hours on end about girl troubles because you've got "nothing better to do," stop. You do have something better to do. If not, then no wonder he doesn't want to date you. Don't want to be treated like a mother figure or a camp counselor? Don't act like one.

The next phrase that pays: "It goes tragically wrong." What's that about? The people I've seen who tend to frame their love lives in these terms either get emotionally invested way too early, assume they're being friendly when they're actually engaging in low-grade stalking, fall for the most inappropriate companion imaginable, or some combination thereof. Is that you, Fuck Amanda Jones?

Good flirting involves setting boundaries, thinking about potential consequences, and practicing self-control. This is not to say you must sit alongside your suitor on the davenport, with your knees closed, listening to the Victrola. There's plenty of room for spontaneity and dick jokes. Find a friend who does well at dating and model their behavior. Spend less time with those male "friends" who've fucked you over and use that time to practice on other prospects. It doesn't necessarily get easier, but you will learn more about dating the more you actually do it.

Dear Miss Information,

I got involved with an old grammar-school friend who's married with a young son. I didn't go looking for this. We reconnected after a long period of not being in touch. I knew she was married and figured nothing would come from hanging out together. One lunch meeting, we ended up making out kind of surprising, kind of not. That led to a clandestine dinner date, and then a weekend getaway. All the while she was telling her husband that she was hanging out with girlfriends. Believe it or not, I didn't have sex with her at all, even on the weekend getaway. Something just seemed wrong about it. (Go figure!)

When we got back from the weekend, she decided she wanted to leave her husband. I asked her point blank if she was leaving to be with me or because she really wasn't happy. She said the latter. After she told her husband, he got angry, then pleaded with her to work on the marriage. She said she wasn't sure, but that they could go to therapy together, which she was already doing alone. I decided this was not what I wanted, and told her I couldn't see her while she got her shit together. She asked if I would wait for her and I said I couldn't make any promises. Over the next four months she tried to call, text, and email — all of which I ignored. The more I thought about it, the more I realized what a mistake I had made. I found out through the grapevine that she and her husband were renewing their vows, which I figured was the end of it all. But she's still sending me messages here and there, every few weeks.

Should I just continue to ignore her correspondence? I think her husband has no idea that she's tried to contact me. I almost want to tell him that this has been happening. I don't want anything to do with her. No good will come from it. She really is a mess and I don't need the drama. — The Accidental Other Guy

Dear The Accidental Other Guy

Yes, ignore her correspondence, and don't you dare tell the husband. She'll fuck up again sooner or later and he'll find out on his own. These people are not close friends or family members, which might make it a little less open and shut. Cool it with the grapevine talk and keep heading down that quasi-high road you've chosen.

Dear Miss Information,

My boyfriend and I have been going out for almost a year now. I was stupidly drunk a week ago at a party we both attended together, and consequentially ended up cheating on him while we were driving back home. The catch being that he was sitting in the front and me and Mr. Mistake were in the back. Before this, we'd talked about how much cheating has hurt both of us in the past, and how we would never do that to each other. Needless to say, he's extremely hurt, because I broke his trust. And I am too, because he wants nothing to do with me. What can I do to have him forgive me?  Haplessly Unfaithful To Him

Dear Haplessly Unfaithful To Him,

Get a bus pass? Buy a bicycle? Sorry, I don't mean to joke. I'm just impressed by your stealth. Maybe you were in an Astro van? Then again, cheating is loosely defined. For some it's kissing, for others it's failing to asking for permission before engaging in an threesome. Perhaps you guys were just holding hands.

In any event, I think it's important to give him a super-wide berth right now. Let him know that you love him and that you know you made a horrible mistake, but do it in a way that's as the twelve-steppers say not going to cause any additional harm. Write an email if he doesn't want to see you, or mail him a letter. Don't put an expiration date on your apology, as in, "If you don't talk to me in the next few days, I'll know that you don't want ever this to work." That's manipulative.

Take action. This happened while you were schwasted? Lay off the sauce for a while, or adopt new habits, like pacing yourself and eating a big meal before you go out so you don't get so damn drunk. Unless Mr. Mistake is your conjoined twin, that relationship should be terminated or put on a very long-term hold. Take him off your Facebook. Delete his number from your cell phone. Same goes for any male companions that have caused rifts in your relationship before. You should be acting like you're in a committed relationship, even if you're no longer technically in one. 

We both know none of this is a guarantee that he'll take you back, but it won't hurt.

Readers, have you ever won someone back after cheating? How did you go about it?

Comments ( 19 )

I have never written to one of these advice columnists, and I never will.

bearman33 commented on Oct 11 10 at 1:29 am

Very constructive Bear.

I cheated oonce upon a time, and solved it in a way many people do: by not saying a damn word about it to anyone, even after the relationship is over. I learned that it hurt me afterwards more than I think it ever could have hurt someone else, my partner included. My advice to anyone who has cheated and wants to say something to anyone, don't do it or do it in an anonymous way far away from your partner.

RB commented on Oct 11 10 at 3:28 am

Don't tell. Get your shit together, resolve not to do it again -- and don't. No one accidentally falls and gets his penis caught in a vagina (or vice versa), and being less (or not) drunk usually helps people realize this.

ab commented on Oct 11 10 at 4:26 am

I meant in general, don't tell. This brainiac cheated a few feet away from her "beloved" and thus really wasn't in a position, I would imagine, to debate telling or not. Smart move there, gangbuster. Must have been some good drink.

ab commented on Oct 11 10 at 4:27 am

With the first LW: her guy friends are not attracted to her. Being "friends first" is not the problem per se...when an attractive girl is "friends first" with a guy, he tends to profess his love eventually. This girl needs to change aspects of her physical appearance and/or how she's presenting herself, to make herself look more sexy/more feminine, if she wants these guys to want to sleep with her. I agree with ms info that she should also stop being a doormat, but I also don't think the issue of sex appeal/attractiveness can be ignored here.

ss commented on Oct 11 10 at 11:07 am

to Haplessly Unfaithful: part of any resolution you attempt is going to be a promise that you are going to stop drinking. If you are capable of not only cheating on him, but doing so under his nose, while drunk, he is never going to be able to trust you again anytime alcohol is going to be involved. You might want to do this for your own sake, too: if your judgment is that impaired by booze, your sober self needs to seriously reassess your lifestyle choices.

jd commented on Oct 11 10 at 11:28 am

Do him a favor and walk away. Setting him free from that kind of shit is the only option.

Gw commented on Oct 11 10 at 1:54 pm

WOW ss, that is a misogynist comment if I ever heard one. She needs to dress sexier? If someone's going to like her, he'll like her for who she is, not her clothing. Anyone who's dating someone purely for their sense of style is not worth keeping. Thank god you don't write this column.

kb commented on Oct 11 10 at 4:35 pm

What a depraved thing to do, #3.

BoobsGirl! commented on Oct 11 10 at 8:04 pm

"The people I've seen who tend to frame their love lives in these terms either get emotionally invested way too early, assume they're being friendly when they're actually engaging in low-grade stalking, fall for the most inappropriate companion imaginable, or some combination thereof." <- Great job on the advice blunderbuss, Erin. Telling people they do these things doesn't give them any tools to recognize when they're doing them.

Sunbury commented on Oct 11 10 at 8:12 pm

And that's a pretty chick reply 'kb'. Fact of the matter, the girl is probably in High School, or College. And if that's the case no guy will 'See you for who you truly are.', because that shit doesn't happen in High School or College really.

That happens when people are older, and wiser, and in rare occasions wen chance moments bring them together. And unless those moments happen, you have to adjust what you look like to attract who you want.

Just the facts, otherwise stay true to who you are, and just wait it out. But stop complaining if you're not willing to change and hit up people's desires in the mean time.

Documentary commented on Oct 11 10 at 8:35 pm

If you cheat, don't be a greedy bitch and say, "I should tell him/her, she/he deserves to know." We all know you want to say it to get it off your chest, it'll break his/her heart and you'll just feel better.

Lawrence commented on Oct 11 10 at 10:47 pm

On sexiness/presentation, there's middle ground between SS and KB. What you wear doesn't really matter - it's how you think of yourself and how you present yourself. You have to feel sexy to have other people think of you that way - that goes for men and women. If wearing something sexy gets you to that place, then SS is right. If feeling empowered and thinking "I am awesome for who I am which is a sex goddess" works for her, then KB is right.

AH commented on Oct 11 10 at 11:02 pm

I think you should be honest about cheating because the only thing worse than your partner being told by you that you cheated is your partner being told by someone else that you cheated.

Shannon commented on Oct 12 10 at 3:42 am

You should tell your bf you cheated so he can dump your slut ass. If a guy cheated on his girl like that, the fem patrol would be demanding he be castrated.

Grady Lala commented on Oct 12 10 at 10:57 am

Hey you stank wannabe ho, aka FAJ: Do you want a guy who is fucking two of your friends? If you do, drop your shorts early on Friday evenings.

AOG: Yes. Leave that chick alone. I've been there. Others told me to leave her alone. I didn't. A year later, I did. Best thing that happened to me.

Hapless: You're young (and consequently dumb, inexperienced, etc.). Its okay.

Amber Lamps commented on Oct 12 10 at 12:28 pm

I agree with you, AH. Sex appeal is mostly a state of mind. At the very least, there's an aspect of sex appeal that comes from the outside, and an aspect that comes from within. Either way though, sex appeal - or lack of it, IS the main issue for the first LW, in my opinion. I was just pointing out that ms info didn't exactly address the real issue in her response.

ss commented on Oct 12 10 at 10:57 pm

#3 should realize she cheated for a reason: she didn't want to be in that relationship. They're both better off--but only he realizes it.

hma commented on Oct 13 10 at 2:02 am

Fuck Amanda Jones sounds totally hot. Watts was hands-down the most attractive female character in film from that entire era.

There's a guy out there (I mean, besides me) that is just right for this kind of girl and has the same problems in reverse. Find him and go hump his leg. He'll laugh, and you'll realize you can be friends with him and more -- at the same time.

MW commented on Oct 13 10 at 5:27 pm

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