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Phil, 70

Sleeping with someone young enough to be your grandchild: good idea or bad idea?
Terrible idea! First, you probably can’t get it up or keep it up! Secondly, great sex is about great communication. Lack of communication means lackluster sex and certainly the absence of any true intimacy. Emotional maturity, intelligence, common sense, and the ability to carry on conversations are more important than big breasts, white teeth and a tanned body.

How is the sex drive of older people different from the sex drive of younger people?
In my younger years I could treat a woman like a thoroughbred racehorse. Work her hard and put her away wet. As we age, sex is more about outercourse than intercourse. Exploration, humor and experimentation are essential for exciting and vibrant sex. Satisfying sex does not focus exclusively on thrusting flesh while abandoning the rest of the body. It involves hugging, kissing, caressing, conversation and yes, sometimes a well-placed vibrator.

Who’s better in bed: younger women or older women? phil
Younger women may be a tad tighter but experience always triumphs. Older women have the experience and the anatomical understanding of the male’s handy gadget and know how to make the gadget work to their best advantage. Also, older women see attractiveness in character and loyalty and are more patient.

What sexual insights do you have now that you didn't have when you were in your twenties?
In my twenties, sex was always bim, bam, thank you, ma’am. Now, it’s linger, play and be appreciative. I also realized that if I give a woman what she wants, chances are good that I’ll get what I want.

My long-term boyfriend doesn’t seem interested in sex anymore. It might be because he works all the time. How can I rev things up in bed?
There is no question that work can have an adverse affect on time for and interest in intimacy. I suggest planning for a long overdue vacation even if it’s just a weekend away. Think of the excitement you’ll feel in planning time together, creating sensual surprises and making the time together all about him. Set the stage and enjoy sex in other places besides the bed.

If we run out of lube, what’s a good alternative that we could find in the house?
Expensive Italian olive oil. It tastes good, too!

What is the best sex advice you have ever given your grandchild?
Learn about your own sexuality and body before you attempt to understand the sexual make-up of someone else. Be sure to fully acquaint yourself with both yours and your partner’s genitals. Be prepared to accept responsibility for your actions, sexual or otherwise. Always use protection.

Commentarium (13 Comments)

Jul 17 09 - 2:02am

grandma knows what's up.

Jul 17 09 - 9:29am

my granma was never this cool. or level-headed.

Jul 17 09 - 1:03pm

Hubba Hubba

Jul 17 09 - 1:11pm

Best sex advice ever! Good one =)

Jul 17 09 - 5:21pm

"Greet him wearing seran wrap"? Oh. My. God.

May 29 12 - 2:55pm

"What leftovers again?" Joan Rivers

Jul 17 09 - 5:56pm

Hands down, the best sex advice I've read in a while. Normally I'm laughing and shaking my head, and this time I actually was like "wow, grandma knows what shes talking about". Thanks Hooksexup!

Jul 17 09 - 8:58pm

Almost as good as Sex advice from Cowboys.

Jul 18 09 - 2:41am

"Tell him how great his balls are?!"

Jul 18 09 - 12:33pm

Hmm, one grandma says older men are better in bed and the other one says younger men are. What to think??

Jul 18 09 - 1:09pm

"Work her hard and put her away wet"? I love ya, Phil!

Jul 21 09 - 11:35pm

Advice one can actually use! These are obviously not your common and garden grand parents. I wonder, though, what about sleeping with someone your father's age?

Jun 19 10 - 12:51am

Hahaha. I'm loving the saran wrap idea. (;

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