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ShimonShimon, 30, Tuscon AZ

Why is a political rally a good place to meet sexy singles?
People are motivated, they're excited, everyone’s in a good mood which actually breaks the ice, and there’s nothing weird about going up and talking to people who you really have no business talking to. Frankly, once you can start a conversation, that’s two-thirds of the battle.

According to cable news, conservatives are closeted homosexuals and liberals are amoral sluts. What would you say are the moderates’ sexual vices?
Vice is an interesting term. Kinsey taught us that pretty much everyone does everything, so I don’t think you really want to put a “vice” term on that. “Vice” implies that beer and sex are bad, and I don’t happen to subscribe to any of those notions. I think moderates range the spectrum, from being closeted or having mundane lives of passive resistance to enjoying every aspect of their lifestyles. In many ways Keith Richards could be considered a political moderate. From his recent biography we learned that nothing in his life was... well, at least sex and drugs-wise, nothing was moderate, but politically he probably would fall that way.

What does a protest sign tell you about a person as a lover?
It shows me how willing they are to put themselves out there and to take certain risks.

What makes for better sex: restoring sanity or keeping fear alive?
I think restoring sanity. As exciting as it is to keep fear alive, you look at your more oppressive religions in their pure form, your Catholicism, religions that talk about sin, where there’s a lot of fear involved, you do see a lot of reflexive sexual activity, where people are breaking out of that mold. That’s great, but with more moderate religions, you see a much more accepting style and there’s not a lot of shame involved.

My girlfriend of six months invited me to her parents’ for Thanksgiving. I’m an unapologetic socialist and her dad watches Fox News twenty-four-seven. How do we survive the weekend together?
Do you like her? I would moderate. Tone down your stuff. Have her warn her dad about you, in moderate terms. Try to achieve a good balance.

My partner’s Foursquare shows that she’s been to a lot of diners and cafes in her ex’s neighborhood lately. Do I confront her or lie about it and pretend to know nothing?
I wouldn't worry about it. Knowing a neighborhood well doesn’t imply that you’re doing anything, and frankly, if someone’s checking in on Foursquare, they’re being pretty obvious if they’re trying to sneak around.

Sometimes when I'm out with friends, I flirt and don't bring up the fact that I have a girlfriend. I'll let it go as far as possible without cheating. Is this wrong?
When I was in college, I was dating one girl and kind of trying to date another, and I used what I called “The Kendra Standard.” Kendra was this friend I had who was an adorable little lesbian, and so we had no interest in doing anything, but we would occasionally share a bed because she was hanging out. I decided that anything that I would do with Kendra, I would do with this girl, because that’s not technically cheating. But the first chance I got, I dumped the girlfriend and starting dating this girl to whom I was trying to apply the Kendra Standard.

My last boyfriend had a signature move that I really want my new boyfriend to try. How do I tell him?
“I read about it in Cosmo.”

If the Glenn Beck was a sex act, what would it be?
It has to be a teabagging of some variety.

Comments ( 8 )

I love Jennifer's answers. She is fun :)

Munwar commented on Nov 01 10 at 5:51 pm

Yay forts!

AkPete commented on Nov 01 10 at 7:57 pm

Jennifer, Jenny, and Laura are awesome! But if I had to choose... Jenny.

bc commented on Nov 01 10 at 8:06 pm

Is the foursquare question a real question? If she was cheating pretty sure she wouldn't be checking in.

:) commented on Nov 01 10 at 8:27 pm


owuet commented on Nov 01 10 at 11:15 pm

Shimon's answers make me HOT! I hope he cleaned up at the rally!

o commented on Nov 02 10 at 1:19 am

Total D-bags. Liberals are such wusses.

Joe commented on Nov 02 10 at 5:09 pm

I'd like a 3-way with Colbert and Stewart any day, thank you very much. And the rally was awesome!

QW commented on Nov 03 10 at 12:12 am

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