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Crazy McCain's Even Crazier Brother's Crazy 911 Call


First, there was the woman who called 9-1-1 to report that her fast food order was incorrect. Then there was the guy who wanted to complain about his pizza delivery order being slow. And now, the circle is complete.

John McCain's brother, Joe, who recently made the news when he criticized the incompetent numbnuts running McCain-Palin '08, is once more in the spotlight and causing his brother an embarrassing headache.

ABC's Political blog has the alleged transcript:

Operator: 911 state your emergency
Caller: It's not an emergency but do you know why on one side at the damn drawbridge of 95traffic is stopped for 15 minutes and yet traffic's coming the other way?

Operator: Sir, are you calling 911 to complain about traffic? (pause)
Caller: "Fuck you." (caller hangs up)

Stunned, the operator *-69's his ass, leaving a message after a voicemail reveals his identity:

"Hi, this is Joe McCain. I can't take this message now because I'm involved in a very (inaudible) important political project... I hope on Nov. 4th we have elected John."

Not with your help, bub. Meanwhile, Joe figures out they're on to him and calls 911 again, this time to chew out the operator. He may or may not have been connected to the same one:

Caller: Somebody gave me this riot act about the violation of police.
Operator: Did you just call 911 in reference to this?
Caller: Yeah.
Operator: 911 is to be used for emergencies only, not just because you're sitting in traffic.

Zing! Or something like that. Anyway, before you cry "media bias," just let us know if another Joe (Joe Biden, that is) ever makes a guffaw this humiliating and we'll run it...



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Comment ( 1 )

My cellphone has a built in GPS that monitors traffic. Get with the times old man.. stupid ass.

Anonymous commented on Oct 24 08 at 10:49 am

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