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Hot Teacher Caught After Three-Year Affair With Female Student


Debra LaFavre was 28 when she had sex with a fourteen-year-old male student. And so it comes as no surprise that Anna Louise Thompson, a twenty-eight-year-old now-ex-teacher in Brisbane, chose a girl of the same age to engage in a whirlwind three-year affair.

This story features a twist so unbelievable, we were sure the media made it up...

It all started when Thompson proposed the 14-year-old girl go to lunch with her. It soon escalated into sleepovers and racy text messages... while Thompson continued to be married to her husband. (Didn't he think something was strange when his wife kept staying over some kid's house?!) 

"They started to experiment with sex toys, lollipops, and wore collars."

The girl's parents had no idea what was happening and actually trusted the teacher. Thompson was treated like a member of the family and invited to birthdays and Christmas. She used to stay over at the family home and the girl would often spend weekends at her teacher's house.

 Um. Um... collars? Wait, keep reading, this gets kind of shocking in a hurry:

But the couple were found out when the parents discovered them having sex one evening. Their reaction was simply to request that their daughter keep her door open when she had visitors. Thompson's husband also walked in on the pair when he came home from work earlier than expected one day. []

So, everyone's thrilled with this arrangement and live happily ever after, right? Wrong. After falling in love with-- gasp!-- a guy at her school, the then-16-year-old student reported her teacher to the proper authorities and... well, you can guess what happened next.



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Comments ( 4 )

Support the Females as Property Movement.

Save yourself, save society and save the girlies from the tremendous burden they have been required to bear since being allowed to enter general adult society.

Some historians believe the burden commenced in 1920 when females were granted the general country-wide privelege of voting.

Sadly, as females gained various rights and priveleges their inability to accept the accompanying responsibilities has harmed those females, males and society as a whole.

The emotion-laden generally irrational female of the human species has fallen short of adult expectations.

We must remove the enormous burden from female shoulders for the good of all.

Admittedly, there IS a very small percentage of females who ARE capable of bearing the burden of adulthood in our modern society so exceptions will be made for those few.

However, easing females out of the requirements of being full-fledged adults and re-assuming their roles of yore will be a blessing in many ways and will assuredly improve the female's general happiness.

Anonymous commented on Nov 12 08 at 3:21 pm

You are a spambot idiot, Obbop.

brianfairbanks commented on Nov 12 08 at 4:52 pm

Golly, Brian, why would my opinion be so quickly discounted? Did you even ponder for a few mere brief seconds to consider the ramifications of my beliefs?

There are cultures upon the planet existing now that prevent females from having all the adult rights, priveleges and responsibilites that are granted males and that is done for reasons quite reasonable to those folks.

Your knee-jerk response utilizing emotion-laden buzz words reminds me of how females tend to respond to opinions they are in disagreement with.

But, I will refrain from questioning your masculinity and worthiness of full acceptance into ADULT society.

You may, however, be more accepting of the Dump Your Dame Movement that was created for those unable or unwilling to accept the precepts of the Females as Property Movement.

Anonymous commented on Nov 12 08 at 9:34 pm

Perhaps it is time for you to consider a teaching career Brian? You might get more action that way.

Anonymous commented on Nov 13 08 at 9:44 am

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