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Jim Gibbons, Republican Governor of Nevada and accused sexual assailant, is one helluva piece of work. We've previously told you about Gibbons and an incident involving a waitress who claims she was assaulted and told to "shut up" by the Governor one night in a parking garage, although no charges were filed.

Now, the juicy details of the Gibbons family divorce are burning up the wire... 

Mrs. Dawn Gibbons was sick of Gibbons and his philandering, although it was the Governor who filed for divorce last spring. Nonetheless, she has a bone to pick with him about his affairs with two specific women, although more infidelities are alleged.

1) One woman received approximately 860 texts from Gibbons's state-issued cell. When this information first came to light, Romeo was forced to reimburse $130. According to USA Today, Gibbons denies these were love notes. 

2) As depicted in the photograph above, the Love Gov. is alleged to have snatched up a colleague's ex-wife: specifically the ex-wife of Reno's Mayor, who happens to be Leslie Durant, a former Playboy bunny and, we believe, Miss September 1989, something not reported in the mainstream media. (See here for a blog that discusses their relationship and outs her as 9/89's girl.) UPDATE: It has come to our attention that someone other than a Leslie Durant was Miss September that year, although there is a variety of evidence Leslie Durant (probably under her maiden name) appeared in Playboy that month.

Let us remind everyone that it's better to break up with someone than to cheat on them and try to get away with it. Gibbons hasn't learned that lesson from Bill Clinton or Spitzer, apparently.



Nevada Governor Sex Scandals, Part 226

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Comments ( 8 )

I tell my fellow Republicans every chance I get that this is why we are losing. How hard can it be to find Republican candidates who stay faithful, sober, and out of trouble with the law? Pretty hard, apparently. Republicans need to take a stand that any conduct like this means a permanent end to your political career. If we're going to talk the talk, we need to walk the walk.

Anonymous commented on Apr 07 09 at 7:20 am

Yeah, I wonder if Steve D. is really a fellow Republican. At least the governor wasn't with a boy. Now, if the Democrats would take a stand against homosexuality, we would be rid of Barney Frank. Then, they could go after other Democrats who let women drown in their cars, kept bribe money in their freezers, took money from AIG, didn't pay their taxes, associated with Bill Ayers....

Anonymous commented on Apr 07 09 at 8:05 am

rethuglicans, coming soon to a TV near you!

Anonymous commented on Apr 07 09 at 1:22 pm

Nope Woody, he wasn't with a boy. Neither were Larry Craig nor Ted Haggard. They both went for men. David Dreier reportedly likes men, too. Mark Foley, on the other hand, HE went for the boys. I hear Patrick McHenry has a thing for the younger ones as does Lindsay Graham.

Pot, meet kettle.

Anonymous commented on Apr 07 09 at 2:28 pm

I'm questioning Steve D's republican credentials too - that criticism was far too reasonable and even tempered to come from a "real" Republican.

Thankfully the Woodster is here to remind us what the petty, finger-pointing, obstructionist, "loyalty over honesty" Republican Party is really like.

Thanks bud.

Anonymous commented on Apr 07 09 at 2:32 pm

I read this and it sounds like innuendo common during a divorce proceeding.

Anyone who's been thru a messy divorce knows that people tend to throw out all kinds of accusationst to make it painful and embarassing for the other party involved. (How better to get them to settle on "your" terms?)

860 text messages could be a few "e-conversations" taking place during boring rubber chicken dinners. It's not uncommon for my business partner and I to have a few hundred a month and we work in the same office.

When I read this headline, I was expecting semen soaked skirts, high-end hookers, drugs, naughty videos, etc. (You know - fun stuff.) This is boring.

Anonymous commented on Apr 07 09 at 4:46 pm

anybody notice that the dems have a culture of corruption and that 3-4 of their presidential candidates would have already been impeached if obama hadn't run and won?
and btw, he's a traitor, so he'll get impeached soon enough.

Anonymous commented on Apr 08 09 at 11:04 am

ALL Of YOU. Republicans are Homo's in Hiding. Meth and gay prostitutes, Airport Mens Rooms, Harassing under age Male pages at the White House. You people are as WEIRD as they come. All these Sick Republican scandals over and over and over, yet its the Democrats. Sick people u Republicans

INSANE commented on May 08 10 at 2:15 pm

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