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Wired Magazine Tracking Real-Time Voter Fraud... So You Know Where To Not Vote


Pictures of "fraud" are boring... so we went with this one instead. Sue us.

Virginia, Georgia, Kentucky, New Mexico, Nevada and other early-voting states are already tilting the election toward Obama... as long as the machines register their votes, of course.

Seriously, though, this year we'll be able to watch our votes disappear in real time, thanks to Wired's awesome new interactive map...

You can check out the map here... when you do, note the following interesting complaints:

1) A voter in Chicago complains he was challenged by an inspector and asked for proof of residence at the poll.

2) Long lines at the North Miami Public Library.

3) Incorrect votes recorded in Nevada (people-- make sure to double-check your selections, it can't hurt to spend an extra thirty seconds in that booth.)

Also note the map is just getting underway... it will likely be chock full of chaos within the next week...

Have you voted yet? Let us know if you saw or experienced anything unusual, in the comments. ("There was a black man on the ballot!" does not count.)



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Comments ( 2 )

Good luck you poor Americans. We may have a bunch of douchebags running Canada, but we don't have this, not even close. We write with a pencil an X next to the name of the candidate we want and the ballots are counted. Geesh that makes us sound backwards. I can also vote in the next British election, so I'm interested to see how those work. Somehow I doubt that there are problems like in the US. :S

Anonymous commented on Oct 24 08 at 10:39 am

I filled out my mail-in ballot and got a letter saying it was for the wrong county with an apology for the mistake and an assurance that another ballot will be sent. Does that mean I get to vote 2x? That neither vote will count?

Anonymous commented on Oct 26 08 at 2:11 am

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