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    In terms of helping us determine precisely how hosed are we by the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court, his marriage gives us very little to go on. Not much about Alito's wife sheds light on his leanings, other than the fact that she sent him on vacation to fantasy baseball camp. During Chief Justice John Roberts' confirmation process, by contrast, much was made of Jane Sullivan Roberts' work for an organization called Feminists for Life. That revelation left us with many questions, such as: "Feminists for what?"
       Not a typo: Feminists for Life. As in, against abortion. Indeed, this group's "feminism" is not your mother's feminism. It's more like your great-grandmother's feminism — and, if Feminists for Life has its way, it'll be your daughter's feminism, too.
       Founded in 1972, Feminists for Life (FFL) models itself on the tradition of early American feminists such as Susan B. Anthony, who, when they weren't busy fighting for suffrage, worked to oppose abortion. They regarded the procedure


    — which was illegal and dangerous at the time — as proof that society had failed women. Wrote Anthony: "When a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is a sign that, by education or circumstances, she has been greatly wronged."
       Likewise, the position of Feminists for Life (which declined three interview requests) is that abortion hurts women: that abortion is always — in fact or effect — coerced, and that women should not have to make a "choice" between motherhood and the rest of their lives. According to its tastefully designed website, FFL — describing itself as a "nonsectarian, nonpartisan, grassroots organization ... shaped by the core feminist values of justice, nondiscrimination, and nonviolence" — "recognizes that abortion is a reflection that our society has failed to meet the needs of women." The goal of the group: "systematically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion — primarily lack of practical resources and support — through holistic, woman-centered solutions."
       Well, that's refreshing. No railing against the ladies for making selfish choices, no little pictures of tiny feet. A commitment to non-violence, a focus on the "root causes" — they use the word " holistic," for God's sake. It all sounds entirely reasonable, doesn't it?
       Try radical. The group believes abortion is an act of violence that is unacceptable under any circumstances. Unacceptable under any circumstances. Including rape, incest, major fetal defects, and danger to the mother's life. This position — "holistic solutions" aside — puts FLL to the right of their sister organization, Attila the Hun for Life.
       Not only that, but FFL is sketchy about birth control. "Preconception issues, including abstinence and contraception, are outside of our mission," reads their website. "Some FFL members and supporters support the use of non-abortifacient contraception while

    FFL's president has said that while banning abortion is a goal, to do so is "not enough."

    others oppose contraception for a variety of reasons." So it's not clear precisely how FFL would go about reducing unwanted pregnancies. Or, for that matter, rape and incest.
       Yet to be fair, FFL does not spend its time actively trying to outlaw abortion, or directly supporting any of the laws — waiting periods, parental involvement, mandatory "counseling" — contrived to stand in the way of women and necessary health care. FLL president Serrin Foster has said that while banning abortion is a goal, to do so is "not enough." FFL won't close up shop if Roe goes, they say; unlike other anti-abortion groups, they appear to understand that outlawing abortion neither magically eliminates unplanned pregnancy nor causes women to say, "Oh, okay! Guess I won't have one, then." (Still, the gruesome abortions-gone-wrong stories on the FFL website do beg this question: if you think abortion is dangerous now, what will you have to say to the women who'll die from even riskier illegal procedures?)
       So what does FFL do? The "feminist" part of its title has actually given it some strange bedfellows. Ten years ago, FFL worked with both Catholic Charities USA and the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund to stop President Clinton from signing a welfare reform bill that, in part, would have eliminated assistance for additional children born to girls under 18. The thinking behind the bill went: if these gals know they won't get more cash, they'll try extra hard not to have more babies. The multipartisan opposition said: not only are you effectively starving children, you're also asking for more abortions.
       In 1998, FFL offered a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the bombing of the All Woman Health Care Clinic in Birmingham, AL. (Eric Rudolph later pled guilty to the bombing, which killed an off-duty police officer and critically injured a nurse.) "The use of violence to oppose another form of violence — abortion — is not pro-life and undermines the entire movement," said Serrin Foster in a statement at the time. Violence not "pro-life?" That's yet another concept on which many other anti-abortion activists remain unclear.
       The same year, FFL filed an affidavit (written by Jane Roberts) in support of two teens — one pregnant, one a new mom — who'd

    Can "feminists" be "pro-life?" It's an interesting question, but it's not the most important one.

    sued a Kentucky School district for denying them admission to the National Honor Society. FFL argued that this no-pregnancy policy would encourage students either to seek abortions or to hide their pregnancies and thus go dangerously without prenatal care.
       These days, though, FFL is focusing most of its resources on college outreach. Not only is FFL lecturing on campuses and recruiting new activists, it's also endeavoring to make college and child-bearing compatible. How? Mainly by working to provide the resources that pregnant and parenting students need to stay in school. FFL has supported plans at colleges such as Georgetown to create affordable housing for pregnant and parenting students, offer extra help with financial aid, and make videotaped versions of classes available to mothers.
       So yes, FFL does do some good. It's hard to argue with their efforts to help women by making parenting a truly viable choice. Problem is, their goal is to make parenting the only choice. For that reason, The Nation's Katha Pollitt wrote in her August 29 column that Feminists for Life "aren't really feminists — a feminist could not force another woman to bear a child, any more than she could turn a pregnant teenager out into a snowstorm."
       Can "feminists" be "pro-life?" It's an interesting question, but it's not the most important one. After all, "vegetarians" eat fish; there are exceptions to any label. What's more interesting about FFL is what effect they'll have: not on Roe v. Wade per se, but — perhaps more importantly — on the women who'll pick up their torch.  
       We've all heard about how more and more young women are finding it easy to oppose abortion because they weren't pregnant young women in 1972. Those are the women FFL is targeting, and those are the women who'll respond. They'll respond because FFL seems much cooler than the dorky, churchy anti-abortion groups on campus. They'll respond because they'll fall for the notion that FFL is unique in its efforts to address the causes of unwanted pregnancy and abortion. They'll respond because they'll mistake these efforts for some sort of new "middle ground" — though it's one that feminists who support abortion rights have occupied for years. They'll respond because it hasn't occurred to them that a woman could have all the possible resources available to her and still not want to become a mother. How sad it is — and scary — that members of a generation that's been afraid to use the word "feminist" will now do so at such cost.


        Click here to read other features from the Reproductive Rights Issue


    The politics of abortion - where are we headed?

    The morality of abortion - where do you stand?

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    ©2005 Lynn Harris and


    Comments ( 33 )

    Nov 14 05 at 3:00 pm

    Thank you so much for your article on FFL. My former roommate was an anti-choice activist who actively taught Catholic teens about sex-ed (i.e. sex is bad) and enthusiastic FFL member. She scares me. They scare me. Thanks for getting the word out there.

    Nov 14 05 at 5:52 pm

    I am a pro-choice feminist, and it's hard to fight the good fight when people who are avowedly on our side make mistakes this one:
    "(For those of you following along at home, "non-abortifacient contraception" is a contradiction in terms.)"
    This is patently untrue. Not all contraceptive methods are abortifacients. In fact most, by which I mean condoms, spermicides, diaphragms, and a host of other RELIABLE METHODS have absolutely nothing to do with abortion. They function by preventing the sperm from reaching the egg, and thereby preventing fertilization. There is no fetus. There is not even a fertilized egg. Ergo, there is emphatically no abortion.
    I'd really like to see a retraction or correction, as the assertion she makes is completely untrue as well as damaging to the cause she purportedly supports.

    Nov 14 05 at 7:16 pm

    Fantastic article. I would never have heard of this group, and become aware of the different viewpoints apparently held by many women. I would never force my pro-choice opinion on anyone else, nor would I force my future children on anyone else (except my mother). I can only hope that my body will remain just that. Mine.

    Nov 14 05 at 7:23 pm

    Dear ESB, I think one way people think of abortificant as meaning birth-preventing, in which case the way Lynn had it is right - no method of birth control is non-baby-preventing, but the literal meaning of abortificant, you're right, is abortion-causing, which does not apply to the barrier methods you mention. So we took out the line. Thank you for reading so carefully!

    Nov 15 05 at 8:22 am

    I am not inclined to defend FFL, however, I thought it should be pointed out that "non-abortifacient contraception" is not a contradiction in terms. In fact, most of us would not consider *any* form of contraception an abortifacient (i.e., a drug or procedure that causes abortion) - thereby making it more like a tautology. In the context of FFL, as with many more conservative groups, the locution is probably intended to distinguish hormonal contraception (which, in some rare circumstances may prevent the proper implantation of a fertilized egg) from condoms, etc.

    Nov 16 05 at 2:50 pm

    The fact that not all women want to give birth has indeed occurred to many pro-life feminists. You mention those who oppose some types of birth control, but, as is usual with pro-choice scare stories, neglect to admit that many people who oppose abortion have no problem whatsoever with birth control. We are fully aware that birth control prevents abortion and is not intended to cause it. If women were truly respected and equal, they would not unintentionally become pregnant in the first place. Thus eliminating the need for abortion. This is what most pro-life feminists are working towards--perfected birth control, as well as support for those who choose to become mothers.
    But isn't it so much easier to pretend that everyone who disagrees with you is stupid? Keep doing that. You're no better than Jerry Falwell.

    Nov 17 05 at 2:19 pm

    I find it interesting that the author "complains" that FFL is like your great-grandmother's feminism and likens its members to early feminists like Susan B. Anthony. Without Anthony and the feminists of our great-grandmother's time, where would feminists be today?

    Nov 17 05 at 2:47 pm

    A few points from an FFL member -- this may be long, but I will humbly try to step in for the president who I'm guessing was unable to respond to your requests for an interview because I happen to know she is on the road for speaking engagements and pregnancy resource forums.

    All the problems you seem to have with us calling ourselves feminists confuses me when you remember that traditional feminism is based on the philosophy that feminism embraces the basic rights of all without exception, and rejects the use of violence to dominate, control, or destroy anyone.
    With this in mind, I'll address some of your problems.

    We are opposed to abortion under any circumstances because there is always a better, nonviolent solution than abortion.

    We oppose it in cases of rape and incest because we refuse to discriminate against the child on the basis of her parentage; we believe that pregnancy is not a punishment or anything to be ashamed of (and it's time we stopped treating pregnancies that result from rape or incest as such); that a victim of assault is entitled to all the care -- physical, mental, emotional, financial, etc -- that she needs, but an abortion would be a violent answer to a violent act that often let's the rapist off the hook.

    We oppose abortion in cases of sever birth defects based on non-discrimination and the belief that every person deserves the chance to have the best life possible and no one, in the womb or out, is "better off dead."

    We oppose abortion in the "save-the-life-of-the-mother" concept because there is *always* another medical option. Sadly, the unborn child does not always survive the other medical treatments, but the mother always can survive without resorting to abortion.

    You stated that it seems we believe parenting is the "only choice." While we do believe that women(and men)*become* parents as soon as a pregnancy begins, and will always *be* parents no matter what the outcome, I believe you were suggesting that we think that all women should raise the children they bear.

    The glaring omission in your article was the word "adoption." FFL strongly advocates the empowering choice of adoption, recognizing that there are 2 million couples *currently* who have met the standards of agencies and are awaiting to become adoptive parents. (And a great number of them will also not discriminate on the basis of parentage or disabilities and are hoping to adopt more than one child.)

    As to the issue of women who would die from illegal abortions if abortion was outlawed --

    There are countless illegal abortions that happen today. No matter what the number, it is a travesty. But the answer is not keeping it legal, because that does not keep it safe. There is no such thing as a "safe abortion."

    Legal or illegal, abortion does not rectify the reasons that women in desperation resort to abortion. An abortion does not put food on the table, stop a man from beating her, or give her an education or job skills. After an abortion, her world is at best the same, at worst made a lot less desirable from medical complications.

    As long as prochoice women continue to scream "It's our body, it's our choice!" they will continue to hear "Oh, yeah? Then it's *your* problem!"

    Until we stand up and demand that the world recognize that women have children and deserve all the necessary social structures to support that fact -- that society should change to meet the needs of women, and that women shouldn't change to fit into the predominantly patriarchal society that still exists today -- women will never be treated as equals.

    Why do we settle for less? Women deserve better.

    Thank you for this chance to respond.

    Nov 17 05 at 3:55 pm

    Thank you for your response. Just to clarify, Lynn Harris and I both contacted FFL several times to request an interview with the president *or with any other member of the organization who could express FFL's point of view*. We asked for just fifteen minutes of phone time, at any time of the day or night, with any FFL representative, and we submitted the requests weeks in advance of our Reproductive Rights issue. So "on the road for speaking engagements and pregnancy resource forums" is not a valid excuse for FFL's non-co-operation. FFL refused, point blank, to help us represent their side of the story. - Ada Calhoun, Hooksexup Editor

    Nov 17 05 at 6:34 pm

    Sorry, I was unaware of your numerous requests, otherwise I would have given this more appropriate explanation: Did someone specifically say they "refused" to respond? If not, I'm sure they declined an interview because they are swamped right now, not because they refuse. Esp. since the news that Jane Roberts has been involved with FFL came out, the requests by the media have been overwhelming. FFL is a rapidly growing organization that is stretched very thin right now -- happily, since it means the word is getting out -- but there simply are not enough people on staff right now who have been authorized to act as an official spokesperson to respond to the avalanche of media requests. (You have to admit, the number of media outlets itself is growing exponentially and it's very difficult to accomodate all requests.) I felt I was pushing the barrier when I came upon your article and wrote a reply, sounding like an official response. Believe me, I know these women are hard to get ahold of. I have been a member for 20 years, I have known the president for over a decade, I am slated to become an official spokesperson (they realize it's a problem and are looking to remedy it, but even this program has been pushed back and back bec of how busy everyone is!) and even *I* couldn't get ahold of her in the past couple of days for an answer to a question. Please do not jump to conclusions -- FFL has nothing to hide. We have worked side by side several times with prochoice groups, as you mentioned. To suggest that we are "non-cooperative" is simply unfair. Please excuse the "growing pains" we are experiencing. Thanks again.

    Nov 19 05 at 12:51 am

    I appreciate your article on feminists for life. As a young nurse, feminist, and Pro-lifer, I'm tired of being categorized unfairly. It is true that abortions hurt women, even though it may be politically incorrect to state that, and I'm glad to see an honest unbiased article. True feminism advocates holistic care for women, and should seek to discourage anything (i.e. abortion) that harms women.

    Nov 20 05 at 6:26 pm

    Please don't assume that people who identify as prolife feminists oppose contraception. I, and many others, endorse contraception, outercourse, and same-sex relationships as choices that people should be free to make. I for one have taught teens about different methods of contraception and worked actively for contraceptive access and GLBT rights legislation. Consensual sexual pleasure is a good in its own right and it doesn't have to be accompanied by procreation--although when that happens, by intention or not, all human lives involved need and deserve the utmost respect and support, at all levels of society, before, during, and after birth.

    Nov 21 05 at 7:00 pm

    CM wrote:
    "We oppose abortion in the "save-the-life-of-the-mother" concept because there is *always* another medical option. Sadly, the unborn child does not always survive the other medical treatments, but the mother always can survive without resorting to abortion."
    "After an abortion, her world is at best the same, at worst made a lot less desirable from medical complications."

    In other words, the medical complications of carrying an extremely dangerous pregnancy to term are milder than those of an abortion. Any medical journal citations to back that up?

    Nov 21 05 at 10:01 pm

    Wow, EN I feel you really mixed up what I had to say, and took things out of context. I will be glad to try to clear things up. It is difficult tho because you wrote such a sweeping unspecified generalization that is so provocative, I'm not sure where to begin. Which "medical complications of carrying an extremely dangerous pregnancy to term" are you talking about? Pro-choicers often speak of these without addressing them specifically. Without getting into specifics, (bec then this post would be waaaaaay too long), you can go case by case and there is always another medical option that can be applied to protect both the life of the mother and child in a dangerous pregnancy. (Just ask the AMA.) There is always the *possibility* of medical complications, as in any medical situation -- the pro-choice side exploits this fact to suit their argument. They argue that because there is a *possibility* of a complication (which can be something like difficulty in carrying another baby to term -- a complication that can arise from an abortion, too), abortion has to be an option. However, when you try to talk about the complications that can arise from an abortion (oh, but wait, we can't tell women about those complications bec that would be intimidation!) -- it seems they don't exist. It's all smoke and mirrors to try to misdirect us from what is really the issue. Should a child be killed in the womb when there is another option that will give both the mother (and yes, the mother's life is even more closely protected) and child a chance? You present it as tho we are asking women to face a *certain death* to continue a pregnancy -- and as if the complications of an abortion are benign. Women die from "perfectly legal" abortions -- we'll never know how many thanks to roadblocks from the pro-choice side (can rarely find them in the public record, let alone a medical journal). The silence on this fact from the pro-choice side is deafening. But if even one woman died from taking a menopause supplement, then there would be an uproar. Why the disparity? The good news is that with medical advances, the number of women facing an "extremely dangerous" pregnancy is dropping, and the number who seek abortions is a very small percentage. The bad news is that the pro-choice side uses these cases to justify thousands of medically *un*necessary partial-birth abortions every year, not to mention as part and parcel of their argument to justify 1.3 million abortions every year. Over 3500 a day. Rare, indeed.

    Nov 22 05 at 4:56 pm

    The author suggests that "They'll respond because they'll mistake these efforts for some sort of new "middle ground"

    Dec 01 05 at 12:00 am

    Miss Harris, thank you for your expository article on the Feminists for Life organization. I agree that "[i]t's hard to argue with [FFL's] efforts to help women by making parenting a truly viable choice." When FFL makes concrete steps towards creating a supportive environment for college students who are parents, everybody wins. However, I do wish that you addressed the real heart of the matter, which is their philosophy, that "women deserve better" than abortion. FFL says that "abortion is a reflection that our society has failed to meet the needs of women," and consequently their organization focuses on "systematically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion -- primarily lack of practical resources and support." FFL also claims that "abortion is an act of violence." Does the pro-choice side repudiate this, and if so, how? If not, then women truly deserve better.

    Dec 02 05 at 5:42 pm

    I think it's interesting that the FFL sees the necessity of abortion as evidence that society has failed women. However, there are many contradictions to that. Abortion (and it

    Dec 02 05 at 5:52 pm

    Oh, I have more. I understand that the FFL feels there is always an alternative to abortion if they recognize that not all women want to be mothers. But for me personally, if I were raped and became pregnant I think that carrying that pregnancy to term would absolutely destroy me. The whole idea of that makes me ill. Forcing a woman to carry a child that is a result of rape is psychological torture. That may not be the same for everyone but I suppose that's the whole point huh? There should be a CHOICE involved.

    Dec 02 05 at 8:28 pm

    I do not agree with the criticism that FFL are making "parenting the only choice". The way I see it is they are trying to reduce the number of abortions by offering a woman, who would rather parent but feels she will ruin her life and therefore the life of her child, better options to attain her life's goals while still being a good parent.

    I myself became pregnant at the exact time I recieved my acceptance letter to a university and felt that the only choice I had was to have an abortion. I believe it was important that I had the option to a safe abortion. However, I feel I may not have gone through with the procedure had there been better options available to me that would allow me to be a successful parent while actively attaining my degree.

    My abortion happened almost exactly 8 years ago and it remains a painful memory for me to this day. I do not regret my decision to have had an abortion, however, I do regret that there seemed no possible way to appropriatly care for my child while completing my college degree. I do feel that had I parented that child I could not have had a prosperous future.

    I do agree that a woman should have the choice of a safe abortion, but, I think it would be wonderful if more choices existed that would allow a woman to attain her goals at the same time as being a successful single parent.

    Dec 09 05 at 1:41 pm

    O.k, so I just found the solution to the err.."abortion dilema": Pro-life women should have the right to choose not to have an abortion and pro-choice women should have the right to have an abortion.
    I TOTALLY REFUSE to have some dude who supports the mass murder of thousands of kids in middle east countries and talks with a midwestern tweak to take decisions for me regarding what goes on inside my womb. I don't care if that dude is married to some chick who dresses tacky and promotes "female utopia". Obviously we belong to different religions, mine says that abortion is right. FFL are the first ones to talk about the "freedom of this country" (as in "freedom fries","war for freedom" etc..) So LET ME EXERCISE THAT FREEDOM while I LET YOU EXERCISE YOURS. Just don't impose your religious beliefs in me because (thank god) we don't live in a middle east country.

    Dec 09 05 at 2:06 am

    "....we believe that pregnancy is not a punishment or anything to be ashamed of (and it's time we stopped treating pregnancies that result from rape or incest as such).."

    Excuse me but I was date-raped 10 years ago and had an abortion after 6 weeks. The whole thing was traumatic. After some years of therapy and a loving partner I'm over IT now. I can't think of anything more traumatic, violent and humilliating for me than having had that child (a product of hate,not love) being reminded constantly of the crime someone commited on me once and feeling the guilt of having given a child of mine on adoption. And these ladies called themselves feminists? Get a grip.

    Sep 11 07 at 3:32 pm

    Nice rant. Now, let's get to the facts: It is you, and not our great-grandmothers -- or our daughters -- who don't know the meaning of the word feminist. You and your ilk -- yes, my own generation -- have perverted the very word itself. Feminists for Life embodies the very essence of what feminism is and should be. Are you too bitter to understand that? You do have one thing right: Women are getting wiser, and the temporary insanity that took over feminism in recent decades will indeed right itself. You are on the side of feminism that is going to fade into infamy and obscurity, so get used to it.
    Oh, and yes. Abortion IS a form of violence against women. Every time.

    May 12 08 at 5:53 pm

    Scary? the rhetoric of fear is always a sign of weakness - true feminism should be about strength, not about trying to sink to the lowest common denominator aka dead white slave-owning wife beating males who, just like the pro-abortion feminists of today, were reluctant to give up any of their selfish pleasures even if it meant the abuse of human rights.

    Aug 29 08 at 8:40 am

    I am a WOMAN! I think abortion is violent, to think otherwise is fooling yourself. Rape and incest is a very, very small percentage and is grasping at straws. I also challenge you to speak to women who "chose" to keep their babies who were concieved via rape (I know 3). Abortion never entered their minds. You don't kill a child because of the violence of someone else, that is selfish. I am proud to be a woman and mom. I am also mourning the loss of the two babies I aborted. My remorse has nothing to do with religion or guilt but the research I did on human life and what it entails. Ten fingers, ten toes, a mouth, two eyes, two ears, a nose, a heartbeat and brain waves. Does the child actually have to say, "Mommy, I love you, please don't kill me" before we realize that this is NOT how to care for your child? Please do not demonize those who view feminism and pro life as the same. My daughter had all the markers for Down's Syndrome and you know, we never even got an amnio. Why? Why would it matter. She was born healthy and perfect and would have meant nothing less to us had she been born with an extra chromosome. And just so you know, a woman who does not want to raise a child, also has the option of adoption. I know many families (gay ones, too, praise God) who would give anything to take care of these wonderful gifts. So please, we are not anti choice, we are pro life.

    Aug 30 08 at 1:22 pm

    "After all, "vegetarians" eat fish"

    That should read "some people who call themselves vegetarians eat fish". Most of us don't!

    Dec 17 08 at 3:19 am

    Maybe Feminists for Life are not your mom's feminist group, but much history suggests they are connected to th
    e feminists who helped your grandma (or great-grandma) vote--

    and many key feminists apparently thought and said that abortion was one huge sign of the vast lack of power of mid 19th century women...

    Before the vote, various other rights of property, parenthood were extended to women - and 19th century feminists helped your female ancestors acquire these basic rights we all take for granted.

    (See Feminists for Life site for extensive historical sources on 19th to early 20th Century feminism. ..)

    Nowadays, the NEGATIVE choice of abortion seems to be the one big issue of current feminism. All other issues are footnotes. What a SAD weakening of feminism!!!

    I remember when 1960's feminists loudly challenged the BIGGEST single hurdle to women even having the chance to make free choices - the JOB inequity situation (which we all know still exists).

    But a search of THOMAS (the list of bills going to the government - ) shows that women today seem to think that "abortion" is almost the only thing to push for.

    When the government stats abundantly show that poverty (including the temporary poverty of college women) as well asLACK of the male partners' emotional and/or financial support - are the big reasons for much abortions, why aren't feminists working to give women more Economic power? Why aren't feminists loudly condemning men who wimp out on their father responsibilities---and working for better child support laws?

    Work for better job equity - including giving teen girls a view of why they should work for their economic future and maybe even forego dating for a while - (my beautiful 18 year old is allowed to date but is currently working on her economic future)

    Give them a vision-if ONE girl per high schoolfollows this vision, she is likely to make better choices if she dates LATER when her personal self is better formed. (She likely - if FULLY educated about the consequences of having sex will know SHE bears most of the possible serious consequences - SHE gets hit with MOST of the emotional health issues, the pregnancy issue (of course), the STD possibilities including a heightened risk of early cervical cancer which are some possibilities with sexual liaisons)

    Jan 24 09 at 4:11 pm

    WOW What a stupid person you are. I guess pictures of bloody little feet, cant phase you.
    Before making such ignorant comments, why dont you do something really intelligent and find out what abortion really is.

    Jan 28 09 at 7:59 pm

    Feminism is about affirming the rights of females human beings. Being pro-life is about affirming the rights of unborn human beings. Not only are the two compatible, the two groups overlap!

    Mar 06 09 at 2:08 am

    "It's hard to argue with their efforts to help women by making parenting a truly viable choice. Problem is, their goal is to make parenting the only choice."

    I've heard a bit about this organization. Obviously they support adoption as well as an alternative to parenting responsibilities. They believe in non violent alternatives to abortion, not necessarily the biological mother assuming parental responsibility. There is also a statement on the website that they don't support a mother going through a pregnancy if her and her child were likely to experience dual life threatening consequences- that that would NOT be "pro-life".

    I don't find anything "dangerous" about this expression. I don't understand why one cannot be a feminist and pro-life as well just because the view abortion as a human rights issue rather than a "women's health" issue? I am pro life but also pro-women's health care, equal rights, equal pay, gay marriage and most other liberal interests. I was pro choice most of my life until it occurred to me that that was more "dangerous" than anything else.

    Apr 11 09 at 4:45 pm

    an what other female owned businesses an grils making lots of tangible leads on who is responcible an news talk raido athons of tickle an rings a bell somwhere has any one any ideas of when the same manufacturing equipment Drug Manufacturing and loss Of what Made in America ment something and skin color and what their view point and dollars and cents to tax base and some how foundings of as corner stone like Wall Street as what is some very thaught provoking as what some numbers ways investage some rumered base raws mergers an aqusions an de-clinacal trials as what an wats not sencibily instilled when sow many never understood how much damage has been left up to thoes were as white skin males as to other non withes as neo natsumings an infltrated US Founded ways of life styles an book bans be midfull of disgruntled computerised orders of small parts as to web makings as de internet retail worlds thoes saw from ground up and some malls fired all securty as most iter-intranationaly adapt since what is going on as some garbagolist discover ways in an whats about stricken off laws ordanaces and what old framwork is instilled as loss of as to all under Reaganomics As things were in what has constructe is that most moterators openly devuldg an denounce what was bought into and way back then as schools thoes who went on found a with scrtian Jewish People and thoes wifull for their own peoples ways not for the masses andwhat who has lived back then vast interconnected in office buildings web wide has small candid talks as some of Christans have now way as some narroing gaps an empowering girls as like one in areas developers destoried and get their rocks of an womens groups with girls an more power to their efforts as some in other States some qwestion ones of and why as vast numbers of what Fedraly Rekindled way of chat some of as I have found dot edu Org An some dot Gov as vast highly hacked off whit what since Berlin Wall Came Down an whos political machinery has caused what in vialably and what is going with the vast areas developed to suit theirs an Anti All inclusively as some with shuch wasted human lives devastated and by what persons in qwestion an within certian networks of socialogicacly retail an what is lucurtivly what propus was thoes along time ago gems destorid most in clinacly lucurtive found in depth study Universites very grounds demolished as thoes are out of a jobs in their business offices books an alou all out encourage all womens and grils noise to the max some local tv stations some pulled Cops and like minde shows off the air all the room they ever could imagine as some doctors wifull illegal ? have found as mysel a Jew in my Second class status an when as thoes areas re built to vast numbers insurance is asking why the construction cost for retirement developments and rest home in the first place as to what was in business and what vast numbers of chain discount stores closed most as well wishers an like ones who have practicle ways of despencing what is long overdue the right measures as most of what is about was promised to one group as an many others who have as woops lost touch an others holding on to what got photo copied most medical web site are going on a who did in the areas with destructive developers and like renovations not needed and consulting firms fly by nite web site sow called helping woops open up a web help site insert foot some drug store lunch counter doct an Rx encounter lots of areas an lost place for what was in the day to day ways of way before look and what was key selling points as pulblic schools buildings and demolished with stories submited and some past Stae under who had a hand in it an what efforts like if superentants and voter pay offs with what treds led to sickest shows like Twilite Zone from some like Cox Department Stores and Malls an who took the fun out of life its self selfish spoileds as power brokers and what was Arnold thinking when in front of Walters interview an other shows reasons people as in lost place but not anyone is awair of thoes who as when some little shoe string budget has ben what was demolished and why as most scour the web for thoes an found retail bhavorigests as some with hops buy way back then what is an not aloued is whats aloued now when some girls grups with lots of energy as thoes in States as when they were kids findings of deleriction of one duty as in public servants some who are resistant think of lost bi partisenship an disorders consretives of as What Republicans an special intrest of the 1970s late developers creatings has been tracked down an kept tabs on Testimonals in wifully spending bond packages an DE Bush namesakes from buildings as in the under his watch all like what Christians say"Biblicaly all in recorded tax years history rolls down hills of the past" in some areas is what they say eched in stone today as some awakened that of Wall Street movie actors eves today an vast majorties today are in ultrahigh gears on theos heels and who is givenin against Thies United States .Strike that is to Mine Komph as Bible an Adolph Hitler an some of color as from a Jewish Isreal most have stricken of any such templates PHY as tax year 1945 as why as Womens groups with since a long long histories as Neo Natisumings condoned as to Slave Masters on a cross whit most and some from their cultures are not Freedom Will Ring thoes like hits white males not an never with as some has old old grudges to settle all un settled scons scared for life walking wounded some womens ligit gripes as small time turn on lost years dimes an still holdings hint white mens unexpungibily some have better chemicaly clear lives as to summer an ANTI BOOTCAMPINGS no value shows COPS and sow fourth an tazer patent office an interdepartmental notice from still hope Internal Revenue Service and some TSA has been talking to locals to tax times ago woops an vows all $.00 some Internationals say"Het US Navy who did demolish an destoried areas City Planers in Qwestion.An some old old Genral Cinimas write ups on what movies contrubuit dollars and lost local Cents as some old old write ups on girls destraught when a surplus cop cars presence an what County in Snow Belt States of The North Hollywoods lists of writers with prafuse sweats and roller skate place where a Mr.Gene Kelly an Nuton John as another International Policy drop in ligitness Kidman Austrailia and Cloney HAZMAT some OSHA think your money an who makes of with cold hard goods an what malls need some still in runes web commerse and most want pre internet ways long ago sow many have been getting around to other intell ways an some will drop kick ones wasted four tears an money like Wometcos an some boycot store wearhoue clubs as small town been in and whats comming back construction jobs men boys hint an others dumpstered X Box Game Boy and others.Some good news is what was a long time ago good role models an some girls considered(Natzies in white lab coats an white males as ? fiunders)some girls say"hey look at what I found" snap with digital camra phone an facial reconition woops.a adige is constant on toes as from 1960 tax years decade a candid memo Food an Drink Flinstone Cartoon hes not awair is he.An pass on that some with ? founded out on as some within healt car insurance has some doctors as pedifilas get any girls troops in gear gret ways to snitchings for a life when as in thoes back drops ago return.When a long time ago when from a Jewish Female Founded Sex Change Ring 1963 and what some have relaed to me AT&T ad of connected anywhere in the world as Governments other Than United States of America is not doing Cell Phone nor Glob Sat over very costly to others as lossers of States of what to slavery lots of Advocates an Social Workers and State funded has ANTI COP image thanks was far Back Adam 12 1960s Decade as overdeveloped as to land scapes like what in retail enviorments torn down ANTI NATZI DEATH CAMPS call "Nut House and insurance in pay line ways vow not to write policies in an if Founder is not of North American Landmass Birth excluding cults like Free Masions most efforts "shutup hanus after thaughts Home Land Securty as Islands of East Coast shread trities as what is the retro looks and behaviors lost as construction companies an all under Ronald Reagans watch to curant tax year some Consultings has yelded as thoes produced way back then such smacks to Competive edge shows like and when we an my self a former employee of Feldman National findings of if of German birth an of European Born as to Mine Komph and Christan Bible now who safe is was it way back then as southerners ways of born and raised Stars and deadly Bars as when Crysler but where are they assembled tanks United Auto Workers of the past Police theims lost it when 911 Spectiles some intellance consultants Internet Isloate United States of America to teach lessons Dollars an Cents whats ripoffartists money go $.00 what does retail world web sites like thoes wifull make jokes and show excutives has been not as their law firms and Certified Public Acounting wifully did in thies United States of America an when way back then Cold War an Homestead AIR FORCE BASE an RTC NTC Orlando and military but Areins worship Natzie Fruid as doctors and highly Females with Womens Lib and what others in they are not doing ones tax paid in office jobs when is such toy movie slavery funny an most in Natzies in major TV networks and like make a big deal what in over thoes heads wifully willfully deni what is investagating as thorns and breake it off if as thoes sports jock example Leatherheaded not aloued to Fly a Load of Ribber Dog Shit.An what was along time ago when public school system an what is what unspeakable cable in the class rooms and lap tops "Learn the hard way America when was that years ago what tax year was that hints" as when was landcapes hints as untrusted in certain State highways most boycoting lottery and toll and turnpikes as to squeese the the ex some have been harder at it their exploits athorites og Higher Educated as vastnumbers say"Let theis do the talking of non and people of color an not berkias and when as others not Female Problemed since 1945 and their intelligence wifully in white male skin color.Day od discovery only to be from Females not cutie Females by willfully white men boys.As what is people who like Spanish Christianised non dominations tossed as Slave Master Nailed By as most vast majorty Confrantionaly correctness as show Glory Arien Years vast numbers groing DE Green an DE Politicly as un politicaly correct building projects worthless buildings as redevelopments as what was in good repair methods not well handed dow hit natzie doctors stormtroopers an cast extras in Star Ship Troopers Austrian in hanus to females in movies as " now what I find is that itaillan telephone wires wire taped America Mexico an Canada functioned way better with out cell phones and web port holes and some as to what hidden adjends as hanus screwed ups in such thiemed movies as some States funded an inerworkings to certian retired Fedral back banchers to de mental health emploied in natzi death camps on American State to State withch as what boys some rain and black with blue stripe and blue with two yellow bands being as enimes in stals as when hanus high rise condoes some retail weare house and points of to many of the same asking what was demolished as thoes market plow shares worthless most media out lets some asking never show police photographed and tvelelised and rolling stocks most scraped no donate car to worthless endevors as when some from Bell Atlantic say "Whats AT& T mission to re freedoms lost as some with fastest in business sticks shout up if white an males also some have suspition of Plublic Servants no such Americana in substance values" most ex Intellange personall in message traffic have had Beat back and back hand all of Homeland and TSa fired as Beat all back to pre Carter when as President in place an what they wifully unawair of as most have asked toes off shore acounts seized.Lots of people thnks tv shows in question lost vilities as thoes in certian areas has fedup with what George Bush and families in question left their money.Vast numbers are out in front s some law related thoes "Ask retorcialy an qwestions ingrained are in the cross hairs of thoes who see threw some nurses has sliped in at request to stright if as stright on balance sheets cleashe free ups as thoes of former failed withe male qwestionalby what excuse am others efforts sinc Reaganomocs an subsuquent CJC wifully as prime examples like arienist Deliverance movies that are prime examples worl as conficting is healthy in webs very own destructives with powers theymight turn in as sellouts on sold out National Demestic reaking an a great numbers with small town news papers with undergrounds encouraging any news tv stations full right below the belts of Coroprations personal insights to Raido an no if in Northern voice inflections of country draws and an some prep schools knowlege of higher than thou if"crazy and I do not understand and whats the problems an optertunists as keeping them on their toes"but always instill keep christan ideals out of public schools as some studied hanus Natzies as doctors on American tax return hint since tax year 1945 I was informed that child of 1960s tax years decade unwed Jewish Isreal girl uncover dark passages in tv shows.An some former Bell Atlantic stll has hope.And myselfasks myself what is a girl friend like never had one.
    Where is the money an what off shore wasted dollars an how will if a de-suggar coat an anti what special intrest wifully condoned an some have encouraging as some wealfare as what sides of their areas destoried and what business fell by the way sides some in as some has been having some havabilities encouraging massive web wide find them trembling that way back then as that remake of Witch Mountian an what costly hidden thiems as iner hidden adjendas an criminalists are awaiting all out find out follies whith times are tough ask some relesed and find thoes running around all over the world with money problems.An whats in voge again thoes awairsts as what creative ways to what other has found via other means intreviews and instant messages as type an sen to all masive blitz ways web has to out an around as post is all im the winds of whoes gonanas

    May 11 09 at 2:02 pm

    I think, perhaps, you have misread the FFL site. They do not believe that parenting is the only choice, they believe strongly in adoption too. My question for you is, Why do we have such a broad reaching standard on abortion? Rape, incest, molestation and potential maternal death make up less than 1% of all abortions performed in the US, but the law allows for everyone to choose one, hmmm. A woman can choose abortion for any reason, at any time during the pregnancy; the only hang-up could be finding a "doctor" who will perform the procedure. It doesn't take much research to learn of the physical and emotional risks of your so-called safe abortions. The number of proven abortion related maternal deaths in 1972 is 20, and in 2002 is over 200. How much safer is it really? Every state law is different, but many states allow for abortion providers to be non-mandatory reporters of maternal deaths related to their services. Now, abortion providers could choose to report maternal deaths, and maternal medical complications (i.e. torn uterus, incompetent cervix, etc.), so why don't they? Judging by the number of women that I know personally who've been physically, irreparably harmed by their abortion decision, it's because the numbers would be too great and the world might get a clue as to how dangerous and harmful these procedures are. Abortion is not a choice any one should have to make when there are other options that protect the health of the mother and the life of the fetus.

    Sep 02 10 at 10:45 pm

    I wanted to respond to the paragraph in the article that states "So it's not clear precisely how FFL would go about reducing unwanted pregnancies. Or, for that matter, rape and incest."

    If you search in FFL's website--Specifically in their issue "pro woman answers to pro-choice questions"-- you will find that they advocate Education for all women worldwide as the key to reducing abortions. This is not only in relation to sexual relations--("In the time of the early American feminists, sex between married couples was not always consensual. Many women bore 20 or more children, of whom only half survived. In order to affirm women’s rights within marriage, most feminist foremothers promoted 'voluntary motherhood,' whereby women would have the education and right to fully participate in the decision to have sexual relations. FFL likewise supports education, life-planning, and mentoring programs for girls and women of all ages.")-- but also in terms of professional opportunities-- ("Abortion will not address this serious health problem (speaking about obstetric fistula, which occurs often in developing countries); positive life-affirming education about women’s bodies, the effects of early marriage and motherhood will. Education, job skills and employment opportunities will help young women direct their future. Girls who stay in school longer benefit from programs that teach them self-respect and self-worth as they obtain empowering skills and hope for the future.").

    Regarding how FFL works to reduce "rape and incest", they are and have always been proud active supporters of the Violence Against Women Act, along with other legislation designed to protect women and chidren.

    I found this out by searching the website myself... I just thought it would be fair to report in order to draw a more accurate picture of their stances.

    Nov 26 10 at 12:34 am

    We oppose it in cases of rape and incest because we refuse to discriminate against the child on the basis of her parentage; we believe that pregnancy is not a punishment or anything to be ashamed of (and it's time we stopped treating pregnancies that result from rape or incest as such); that a victim of assault is entitled to all the care -- physical, mental, emotional, financial, etc -- that she needs, but an abortion would be a violent answer to a violent act that often let's the rapist off the hook.

    We oppose abortion in cases of sever birth defects based on non-discrimination and the belief that every person deserves the chance to have the best life possible and no one, in the womb or out, is "better off dead."

    That's the problem with your stance. It's empty ethics. All life is sacred- but without any question of what that life will entail. We need to start factoring quality of life here

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    Lynn Harris is author of the satirical novel Death By Chick Lit and its prequel, Miss Media, as well as co-creator of the award-winning website A regular contributor to Glamour, Salon, The New York Times, Babble and many others, she also writes the "Rabbi's Wife" column for Visit her at