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How This Video Editor Came Up with the Craziest Porn Ending Ever

Tales of death, poop, and porn.

by Liam Mathews

The guy who edited the video with the "Most Depressing Ending In the History of Porn" and came up with the sad tale of Brooke and Mario did a Reddit AMA today, and he shared a ton of funny and enlightening stories about working in the porn industry. Using the throwaway name teekayxxx_ama to protect his identity, he explained why he came up with such a ridiculous porn plot, explained the grossest thing he ever saw, and posted that amazing still of a male performer's face you see up top. We've collected the best questions and answers, which can be found after the screencap of the infamous "Most Depressing Ending" below. 

About that ending...





A gross story




Behind the scenes 






Image via Reddit.

Tags porn Reddit


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