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How This Video Editor Came Up with the Craziest Porn Ending Ever

How This Video Editor Came Up with the Craziest Porn Ending Ever

Tales of death, poop, and porn.
Porn Star to Begin Accepting Payment via Dogecoin, Thanks to a Little Help from Reddit

Porn Star to Begin Accepting Payment via Dogecoin, Thanks to a Little Help from Reddit

Is this the most Internet thing that has ever happened?
The 6 Weirdest Types Of Things That Get Said During Sex

The 6 Weirdest Types Of Things That Get Said During Sex

"Oh, that feels great, buddy."
What we learned from Molly Ringwald's Reddit Q&A

What we learned from Molly Ringwald's Reddit Q&A

Reddit's Ask-Me-Anything page is a place for all kinds of people under the sun: lion tamers, magicians, frustrated virgins, and celebrities…
Reddit changes its tune, bans sexually suggestive images of minors

Reddit changes its tune, bans sexually suggestive images of minors

Mind you, the original tune wasn't "please bring your child pornography here to our popular website." Rather, the aggregator's…
Reddit will go dark on January 18

Reddit will go dark on January 18

In response to the introduction of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect I.P. Act (PIPA), the popular aggregation site/self-proclaimed…
Reddit's controversial "Jailbait" section shut down by moderators

Reddit's controversial "Jailbait" section shut down by moderators

You may not realize Reddit, that online aggregator for all things viral/important to men in their early twenties, has some sketchier sections, if…