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Reader Feedback on "The President's Penis"
so refreshing to get a literary interpretation of "current events". That is why the question, of whether Clinton has lied or not, is beside the point. Literature is not interested in facts; it is interested in human character in all its dimensions, in human flaws and weaknesses, in archetypes and mythology. the beauty of the article is in its unexpected point of view...esp. on such an overexposed topic.
I thought that was very interesting and funny
Obviously you have no morals. I personally do not care for any President that lies to his people about such a thing, or anything for that matter. That is not what a LEADER is made of. Who cares what the French think anyway. No body likes the French, if you haven't heard! It's not their country. Thanks to Bill Clinton is basically, RED CHINA now.
Interesting prose.
I think that Erica and the rest of the world should just put the Clinton scandels behind us and move forward with the election that is at hand. I think that Erica may be infuatuiated with President Clinton and that's the real reason she wrote this comment on the internet of all places
Lovely literature. First class. More...More...More....please!
I don't agree with Erica's view, that the Monica affair was about sex. In most of her books, Erica worships sex as the be all to end all... and sometimes it is. But most of the time it isn't. And what Clinton did was lie-- he lied under oath, he lied to a nation, he lied to his wife (who turned around and lied some more when she said she didn't believe he did it). If you can't tell the truth even when you're caught then you a weak human being who can't be trusted. If he had just said "yes, I had sex with this woman" he would have been a flawed and forgiven human being. Instead, he's just a liar who can't even be honest with himself. Good riddance to Clinton... and who cares who he has sex with. Just don't f--ing lie about it.
is this another of jong's rantings and ravings which i have secretly smiled at in the past, or is it the start of different erica jong... more politcal and self-assured?

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