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Film Reviews by Various
Juno is a rough bundle of joy. Atonement has nothing to apologize for. /film lounge/
The Hooksexup Date by Jai Lennard
This week: Grace takes us on a gallery tour. /photography/
Sex Advice from . . . The Brooklynites by Emily Farris
Q: I'm a guy from the Midwest. How can I impress a Brooklyn gal?
A: Be yourself. A lot of New Yorkers have a redneck fantasy. /regulars/
Scanner by Bryan Christian, Emily Farris and Nicole Pasulka
Today on Hooksexup's culture blog: "Troubled NYC Gossip Blog Seeks Photogenic Famewhores for Pageviews, Light Dom."
The Myopic Woman by Ada Calhoun and Sarah Hepola
We buckle up for Flying, a six-hour documentary on the modern female. /film/
Screengrab by Peter Smith
Today on Hooksexup's movie blog: Casting the King of Kong remake. /film lounge/
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
My boyfriend is picking up other women on Facebook! /advice/
If I Did It by Amelie Gillette
Snapped targets a new demographic: the female armchair killer. /tv/

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