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Greg, 23

How long have you lived in the city?
I don't live in the city now, but I was born and raised in the city. Lived here for eighteen years. I went to college right after high school — Cal State East Bay in Hayward — but my mind wasn't conditioned to go to school at that point. I got kicked out of the dorms, blah blah blah. So I moved in with my grandmother in West Oakland. And I'm living there now while I get everything together.

How are the girls in San Francisco as compared to Oakland?
I feel like the girls in San Francisco are a bit more classy, if you will. That's just speaking from where I come from. I come from the quote-unquote "ghetto," and the girls in the ghetto... I feel like the girls in Oakland are a little more fast. They're down and, when I say down, I mean they're ready to do whatever you're ready to do. Whereas in San Francisco, girls feel you out a little bit more before they get into that boat with you.

What's your best hookup story?
There was this girl who was my elementary school sweetheart, when I was like eight thinking I knew what love was. Then when I was eighteen, I worked at the movies, and my elementary school sweetheart came in to see a movie while I was working at the concession stand. So I gave her some free popcorn and asked what she was doing afterwards, and she said she wasn't doing nothing. So after her movie, she came out and I was done with work, waiting for her, and we went to her house and... blah, blah, blah happened. You don't see a girl for ten years, and then you see her and it's like, "Hey!"

What would be your ideal way to be dumped?
Just tell me you're dumping me. Simple as that. No text message, no phone call, no Facebook. Well, I'm not on Facebook, so that's not my issue.

How are you not on Facebook?
I'm not on Facebook because it's supposed to be a social network where you just hook up with everybody, but it's a stressful situation when you're with someone, because you're going to have the groupie effect. Even if you're not famous, the groupie effect is when there are a lot of people who like you, and your significant other might not want to face that fact. When it comes down to it you just got to delete your Facebook.

Kristina, 27

Are you a native of San Francisco?
Yup, born and raised.

Are you in a relationship right now?

How long have you been single for?
Oh, for about a year.

Was that the last time you hooked up with somebody?

So you haven't hooked up with anybody in a year?

How's that been going?
I mean, hard. But guys are complicated.

What do you think is the most complicated thing about guys?
Being misunderstood. I feel like they don't understand me a lot. Well actually, goals. I feel like it's hard to find a guy who has goals. A lot of guys are just not ambitious.

Oh, I didn't even ask you what you do for work!
I'm an accountant and a CFO's assistant.

Has this ever lead you to hooking up with anyone?
Yeah. I mean, when I was younger. Not now.

What was that like?
Complicated. I'm just trying to focus more on myself now. I dated someone from when I was nineteen to when I was twenty-six. Not the same person, but I was with people that whole time. I'm just waiting for someone who's right and not necessarily to hook up.

What's an instant dealbreaker?
If someone didn't have a job I wouldn't go out with them. For me to go on a second date with someone, they'd have to have a goal in their career.

What about kids?
Oh, I don't care. I'd rather they have kids so I don't have to have them.  

Whats the craziest way you've ever had a relationship end?
Well, I don't know about the craziest ending, but the last relationship I was in, we started dating on a Friday night and by that Sunday I was moving in. We ended up dating for three years. I thought we were going to get married, but I got scared and ran off.

What did you get scared of?
Just commitment. My parents have both died, and I've had a lot of other things happen to me, and I feel like I need to work on myself. I don't need this baggage — I want to be better for someone. I don't want to be dragging them down with my stuff.

Corine, 23

How long have you lived in the city for?
It'll be five years in May.

Where did you live before?
Arizona. I came to the Bay Area for school.

How has dating been in the city?
Well, I met my current boyfriend of almost four years at school. We met in the dorms my freshman year. He moved into my building. It was my second semester, and I already knew everyone in the building, so he was the new guy on the block. So that's what kind of attracted me to him.

Who pursued who?
It was probably more me pursuing him. It started as kind of... well, not a joke, but as a game with a girlfriend of mine, and I ended up winning. We were kind of competing who could get his number first, and I won.

What's the closest you've ever come to breaking up?
He's in the Army, and last year he had to move away, so we've been figuring out what exactly we're doing. It came kind of close. It's still a day-by-day situation. He's still in the U.S. but he's moving overseas next month.

What are you going to do in a month?
Well, right now, we're going to still stay together, but he's moving to Italy, so I'm trying to figure out how I can go over there with him.

Do you think you're going to marry this guy?
Yeah, if things stay as they are. As long as we keep talking about our insecurities about him being in the military, I think everything will be okay.

Is that the biggest insecurity you have in your relationship?
Yeah. If he were here, everything would be fine.

Since you're in a relationship, what's your normal weekend night out like?
I usually hang out with friends and go to different bars or go out to dinner. I'm kind of their wingman. If they're out looking for guys, I'll help them out or scope things out for them. If they're scoping someone out and that person has a friend, I'll start talking to the friend to kind of move things along.

What's the most effort you've ever put in?
I don't think that my friends really need that much help. I have good-looking friends, so it's kind of just sitting around and waiting for people to come to us. 

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Commentarium (19 Comments)

Feb 23 12 - 5:34am
Nathan Appel

I like these series, even though they all take place in a bar (well mostly) It would really really be excellent if you posted video interviews alongside.

Mar 01 12 - 11:12pm

ur dead on with the video interviews but i can see why Hooksexup wouldnt do it

Feb 23 12 - 11:05am

Many of the people in San Francisco seem broken, every time Hooksexup looks at the city in this series. Just damaged. I don't understand what's happening out there.

Feb 23 12 - 11:36am

Hampton seems pretty solid.

Feb 28 12 - 1:39am

I don't think that San Franciscans are more "broken" so much as that they're a lot more open with the bad things that have happened to them (y'know, the same bad things that happen to people everywhere). Also, a lot of "broken" people come to SF because it's a place to be free with yourself: we don't keep people in the closet out here. :)

Feb 23 12 - 11:27am

"get into that boat with you"

Feb 23 12 - 12:27pm

to Katrina..... was that really a bad way to dump you? So not answering would have been better??? I really don't understand women.....

Feb 23 12 - 1:17pm

I'm a woman and I agree with you, IB. I'd rather have someone let me know than me have to figure it out. I'm guessing that in this instance it might have been that he mentioned meeting someone else. If it was really as casual as she said, it may have been better for him to leave that out and just say he didn't have time for anything right now, blah, blah, blah.

No one really wants to hear that the person they're dating prefers someone else.

Feb 23 12 - 1:32pm

Came here to express my disbelief about the same thing -- all you EVER hear about is women wanting closure, whinging about their unanswered texts and phone calls, and Katrina goes and ruins it for everyone. She does have nice hair though.

Feb 23 12 - 3:52pm

I think anyone not into mind games and a fan of direct communication would have a different answer than Katrina. That works for her so at least her future partners can have that to go by. But let's not consider this a rule of thumb.

Feb 23 12 - 1:16pm

I love katrinas answer right here..

What about kids?
Oh, I don't care. I'd rather they have kids so I don't have to have them.

Feb 23 12 - 1:31pm

"Hey, thanks for thinking about me, it's been really great to know you, but I've met someone and I don't want things to get complicated."

Women and their "men don't communicate enough" pleas now fall on dead ears.

Feb 29 12 - 8:08pm

It's awesome how you have it so well-thought out. ONE woman doesn't want to hear how a guy she was seeing prefers another woman. And ONE man chose to be very blunt with his answer. I see how those two are indicative of all humanity.

Must be nice to take shortcuts with your brain; stops you from actually thinking.

Feb 23 12 - 1:41pm

49ers game "the other day?" Whoah, this one got aged a bit... Not like it matters, but the 9ers got eliminated on January 22nd!

Feb 23 12 - 8:35pm

"wait, I like dudes, and none of this makes any sense"

Feb 24 12 - 12:02am

Greg seems like a dick. "Blah blah blah"? Is it really that hard to say real words? His reason for not being on Facebook just seemed like a way for him to brag about how popular he is and what a player he is.

Feb 24 12 - 11:08pm

Katrina seems a little dead inside. Sad.

Feb 26 12 - 5:34pm

Interesting, I was going to say the same thing about Kristina. Her answers just seem dead and affectless, though I like the line about kids.

I'm also kind of creeped out by the fact that she kept emphasizing jobs, career goals and ambition as her main priorities in a man. Why not just come out and say "I want to marry rich"? It'd be more honest, or at least less corporate and euphemistic.

Feb 26 12 - 10:27pm

AAC, heather said Katrina, not Kristina.

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