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6. Using math to link homosexuals with pedophilia.

In yet another blog post on the AFA website, Bryan Fischer tackles statistics involving homosexuality, bisexuality, and molestation. We're still debating if Fischer is truly full of this much hatred, or just really, really bad at math.

Quoted: "Homosexuals comprise less than three percent of the population, but are responsible for fully a third of all instances of pedophilia. A study of 229 convicted child molesters in Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed that 86% of the offenders against males self-identified as homosexual or bisexual... Bottom line: homosexual or bisexual men are about ten times more likely to molest children than heterosexual men."


7. Calling for a "hate watch ministry" to protect Christian values.

On their radio show, American Family Radio, the AFA has repeatedly discussed feeling persecuted for their conservative beliefs. By calling for a "hate watch ministry" that would inform on the groups they insist are doing the persecuting, the inadvertently created one of the longest compound words ("progressive-homo-left-Christian-Bible-conservative-traditional value-hating crowd") we've seen in awhile. You know who else was good at creating compound words? Germans. Who also created Nazis.

Quoted: "The progressive-homo-left-Christian-Bible-conservative-traditional value-hating crowd believes that we should not be allowed to ask the questions... I think we need to start our own hate watch ministry here at AFR and keep you the listener [informed] about the folks and organizations who are intolerant and hateful toward the traditional Christian values that we all believe in because RWW and SPLC sure ain't gonna do it for us."


8. Claiming "homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler." [sic]

No, that's not a joke. They wrote that. And published it on their web site. For people to read. (Fischer's response to people who pointed out that Hitler murdered thousands of homosexuals: "The problem for my critics... is that I'm right.")

Quoted: "Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. Gays in the military is an experiment that has been tried and found disastrously and tragically wanting. Maybe it's time for Congress to learn a lesson from history."


9. Accusing President Obama of "putting the twisted sexual desires of adults ahead of the needs of children."

When Barack Obama commended non-heteronormative fathers in June of 2010, AFA President Tim Wildmon quickly responded with a press release criticizing the Democrats' acceptance of homosexuality. Naturally, the next logical thought was that Obama was promoting sexual deviancy instead of child literacy, or something. 

Quoted: "Here we have the leader of our nation and the Democrat Party celebrating sexual behavior which is contrary to nature and pushing a household structure that we know is harmful to children... Our President is so committed to normalizing homosexual conduct that he is putting the twisted sexual desires of adults ahead of the needs of children."


10. Suggesting Patricia Ireland's appointment as head of the YWCA would result in "lesbianism, cross-dressing, and abortion."

When former head of the National Association for Women Patricia Ireland was appointed as head of the YWCA, Don Wildmon immediately began agitating against her. To his mind, Ireland's history of campaigning for gay rights and women's rights somehow translated into a new platform of lesbianism, cross-dressing, recreational abortions, and possibly witchcraft, for girls entrusted to the YWCA. Sadly, this is one case where the AFA got their way: six months after her appointment, Ireland was removed for refusing to step down — the YWCA later explained that theirs was "the wrong platform" for Ireland to advocate for "women's issues and social justice."

Quoted: "We fear the focus will now become homosexual indoctrination among young girls… Lesbianism, cross-dressing, and abortion are all part of [Patricia] Ireland's history. It soon will become YWCA's present."


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