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The Sex App 'Down' Will Give You a Bangability Score

It's like the horny version of Klout.


For those who live off the high of a near perfect Klout score, Down, the hook-up app you used to know as "Bang With Friends", has a new tool for you. The newly introduced "Bangability Score" is just that—a way for you to empirically track how much the internet masses want to bone you. 

Only, there is no magic number that makes for a perfect score, no golden peak to reach for those with modelesque physiques and flawless track records. That's what makes it a bit different from Klout. The sky's the limit when it comes to bangability. When someone is graphed on Down, whether or not they are a registered user, they are given a Bangability Score accordingly. 

A Down rep told Business Insider that the Score works based upon a "combination of your views, personal network size, and get date/ get down actions." It's also going to be a component in the matching algorithm for the sex app. And if there's no ceiling score for users to hit, the object will be to out-data your hook-up competitors.

Where do the most fuckable people reside currently on Down? The most bangable guy lives in Brazil while the prized female lives in London, sitting on top of a whopping 40,000 bangability points (whatever that means).

This has me wondering whether the innovators over at Down have been brushing up on their contemporary dystopian fiction. This new app feature sounds like a page out of Gary Shteyngart's Super Sad True Love Story, where characters are rated via broadcasted metrics like their "Fuckability". If we keep trying to quantify and advertise attraction and sexual prowess with more discerning and public scores like this one, it appears as if our near-future dystopia has finally arrived.

[h/t Business Insider]

Image via Down.


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