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Martin, 32

How do you make menswear exciting?
I don't really go out to shop, but when I see something, I like I know that I like it, and I generally just buy it.

Do you feel your options are limited?
Not really. I try to buy fewer clothes; I try to recycle them. 

Do you create new outfits with what you already own?
Kind of. Quality is really important to me. I'd rather buy one pair of expensive pants than three pairs of cheap ones.  

How much would you pay for a suit?
It depends on where it's made. If it were made in the U.S. or Europe, I' d pay more. I’d say, maybe around $1,000 at the most.  

When people see a man in a suit, what are the connotations?
It's a work outfit. But some suits feel like people wear them only because they had to wear for their jobs. I don't buy that many suits. The ones that I have I try to use not only for work but for other occasions as well.

Coat: vintage store in Berlin, shoes: Crocket and Jones, pants: Rag and Bone, cardigan: Jenny Hellstrom, button-down shirt: Ralph Lauren, tie: vintage YSL, sunglasses: Rayban, bag: Sandqvist.  

Comments ( 23 )

May 04 11 at 12:16 am

Except for the second guy (he has a weird vibe), I would totes do them all.

May 04 11 at 12:16 am

ESPECIALLY Gerald. Because that is an awesome moustache.

May 06 11 at 8:58 am

The man is just adorable.

May 04 11 at 2:33 am

Wait wait wait, did his parents see Star Wars A New Hope and immediately name their newborn Jedi? I so hope so.

May 04 11 at 3:13 am

Gerald, marry me.

May 04 11 at 4:55 am

Johnathan "work[s] in spirits." So he works in a liquor store, is that it? Or is he a medium?

May 04 11 at 2:27 pm

I know, I kinda want to punch him.

May 04 11 at 9:21 am

Some of those outfits I would not consider "suits".

May 04 11 at 9:37 am

Johnathan looks great, but Martin and Jedi are definitely just wearing outfits, not suits.

May 04 11 at 10:24 am

@Hooksexup, Do you know what a suit is? I'll give you some clues: Jeans/Blazer, Pants/Blazer, Pants/Cardigan combos are all NOT suits. Only Gerald and Jonathan are actually wearing suits--and Jonathan admitted that he has no idea about style and has a personal shopper do it for him, so probably not the best person to ask questions about suits, either.

If you had just posted this article with only Gerald, and asked him more questions, it would have been golden.

May 04 11 at 11:10 am

Thank you, JD! I can't believe that Hooksexup couldn't find more than two guys who were actually WEARING suits for an article about guys who (allegedly) wear suits.

May 05 11 at 12:03 pm

isn't this in NYC. there's people in nice suits everywhere in manhattan. though this is prolly brooklyn. but still. lazy interviewers?

May 04 11 at 11:55 am

Jonathan's outfit may be tailor made, but it was tailor made for someone else. His trousers are too short and his jacket is too tight.

May 04 11 at 10:10 pm

Oh, but poor Jonathan has such ISSUES with fit! With his tiny little waist and manly broad shoulders. Poor thing.

May 05 11 at 9:36 am

poor thing's clothes are too small

May 04 11 at 12:10 pm

Definitely agree with JD- In an article about suits, we have 2/5 guys actually wearing suits (an ill-fitting blazer and capri pants do not a suit make, Johnathan!), one of whom admits he pays someone else to think about fashion for him and the other, a codger wearing a double-breasted suit (which went out of style last century) from Men's Wearhouse- uggh.

May 05 11 at 2:38 am

Double-breasted is trying to make a comeback, though. I still generally hate it, but still... it's trying. And come on, how can you not love his responses, even if you hate the suit?

May 05 11 at 6:53 pm

Jedi is wearing the best outfit in this feature, but is the only one without clothing details - why?

I agree though, it's definitely not a suit, and don't think it would have been a stretch to find five guys wearing actual suits to interview, especially in Manhattan (the pics in this feature usually appear to have been taken in SoHo). I totally dig suit jackets and ties + nice jeans combo when done properly, but come on, it's an article about suits! Give me a well-groomed man in a nice, well-tailored suit any day... mmm!

May 05 11 at 6:55 pm

Oh, and I thought it was cool and unexpected that they included Gerald. He actually had some of the most relevant commentary on suits.

May 05 11 at 7:07 pm

Only two guys in suits and John's is a pretty nice suit if someone had measured him for the pants. The rest are some sort of ill fitting ensembles. Old guy in double breasted suit is Ok since he was born sometime in the 1920's and he still gets dressed up every day and walks around outside..

May 06 11 at 7:30 am

Who the hell wrote this? Do you have any idea how many finance people there are in NYC? These are not suits!

May 06 11 at 9:01 am

Very disappointing. Please re-do this article with the above input in mind. Thanks!

May 08 11 at 5:09 pm

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