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Jane Lynch working on memoir

If you're like me, you'll happily spend the rest of your life not reading Couplehood by Paul Reiser. Which is great, because that means we'll have that much more time to read the memoir that Jane Lynch will be publishing this September. I mean, if you're going to read a celebrity memoir, it had better be a good one.

And from all early accounts, Lynch's first book will be good. Yesterday, she offered some hints as to what the book, titled Happy Accidents, will look like:

"If I could go back in time and have a conversation with my eighteen-year-old self, the first thing I’d say is, ‘Lose the perm.’ Second, I would say, ‘Relax. Really — just relax. Don’t sweat it.’ For a long time, I was anxious and fearful that the parade would pass me by, and that someone or something outside myself had all the answers. Having finally reached a happy place — a happy accidents place I want to share my story with others, to let them know things aren’t as bad as they fear."

I already love it. The LA Times even sweetened the deal, reporting that Lynch will also tell us "stories about being in the improv troupe Second City, embracing her sexuality, getting sober, and working on films such as Christopher Guest's A Mighty Wind and Judd Apatow's [The] 40-Year-Old Virgin." Sounds like it's going to be a winner.

Comment ( 1 )

Feb 02 11 at 9:53 am

I love love love Jane Lynch. And I totally forgot about Paul Reiser.

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