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Charlie Hebdo cover

Though their offices were razed last week after Muslim extremists tossed a Molotov cocktail through the window, French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has continued without missing a beat, putting a cartoon of a Muslim man in a full-on gay makeout session on its latest cover. 

The magazine initially came under attack for a recent cover "guest edited" by none other than the Prophet Mohammad, with a speech bubble reading "100 lashes if you don't die of laughter." Though the new cover depicts a Muslim man rather than Mohammad specifically, it is still a direct shot at Charlie Hebdo's critics, with a headline reading "Love is Stronger than Hate," and images of their destroyed offices in the background.

After the initial attack, the magazine's editor said, "We thought the lines had moved and maybe there would be more respect for our satirical work, our right to mock. Freedom to have a good laugh is as important as freedom of speech."

Well, it's definitely bold. Fingers crossed no one feels the need to escalate and these wacky Frenchmen are left alone to publish in peace.

Comments ( 14 )

Nov 08 11 at 5:33 pm

So now it's just the racism that's the problem.

Nov 08 11 at 7:57 pm
Really now..

Racist? I'm thoroughly convinced now that no one knows the meaning of the word.

Nov 08 11 at 5:45 pm

How is this racist?

Nov 08 11 at 8:40 pm

Hat's off to the French at Charlie Hebdo for doing what all the Media in the USA are afraid to do
(ESPECIALLY the COWARDS at the New York Times).

Nov 08 11 at 9:24 pm

And what would that be, Greg? Somehow I feel you have no idea who these guys are or what they usually do except for this one cover. Check them out.

On top of this, the culprits still haven't been found. Beware of the Oslo syndrom, guys. Charlie Hebdo has been pissing many people off for a long time, not just crazy Islamists. Just saying.

Nov 08 11 at 9:48 pm

Oh yeah, let's keep an open mind (gag). I think its a pretty safe bet "The Religion of Peace" is behind this one (along with innumerable other acts). Of course the NY Times need not worry, they refused to publish the Mohammed Cartoon even though it was very newsworthy for fear of offending. They had no such problem with the publishing pictures of "Piss Christ", a Crucifix in a jar of urine. Time to wake and realize the REAL threat to Freedom of Speech is not coming from Jerry Fallwell.

Nov 09 11 at 12:31 pm

You're right. Jerry Fallwell is dead.

Nov 08 11 at 9:29 pm

You only have free speech if you can say things that others disagree with.

Nov 09 11 at 8:22 am

True, but it's still pretty douchey to do things just to piss other people off.

Nov 09 11 at 1:53 pm
Slim Fast

Is it still "douchey" when it's done to mock and ridicule Republicans?

Nov 09 11 at 2:25 pm
Fat Slow

No way, that is simply supporting reality.

Nov 09 11 at 9:12 am
Okay then

If I were Muslim, I would be mad as hell. Not at this publisher, but at the irrational, terrorist dicks who are making life difficult for Muslims that can take shit in stride. The same goes for the assholes who murder aortic doctors in the name of religion.

Nov 09 11 at 11:17 am

And this is the point that people keep making. If you think the extremists are misrepresenting "your" religion, SPEAK UP. And shun/shame the offenders. (NOT behead them.)

Nov 09 11 at 10:06 am

Greg, here's my point, and it has to do with French politics. Back in 1982, two people attacked a bar in the Jewish area of Paris, killing 6 people and wounding a bunch of others. The blame was naturally put on Palestinian terrorists very active at the time. Close to 30 years later, as nobody ever claimed the attack and culprits were never found, it appears that this was most likely done by neo-nazis.
Yet it seemed so obvious. Same shit in Oslo, by the way. My point is not to diminish the horrors performed by terrorists, but rather to remind people like you that they also tend to claim this kind of action, and that, interestingly, nobody's stepped up for this one. Again, just saying.
But you know, we can also uber righteously rush to conclusion like you seem to love to do. How else could we justify endless wars, bigotry and perpetual shrinking of freedom?

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