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Best get this out of the way up front: Yes, Chick-fil-A is delicious. For my money, it's the best-tasting fast food out there. In-N-Out's great if you're in the mood (and can admit to yourself that, c'mon, those fries are terrible). Five Guys is fine. And the occasional late night stop at Del Taco is highly rewarding, especially if you've been consuming a handful of alcoholic beverages. But there's nothing as satisfying or delectable as the basic chicken sandwich over at the Chick-fil-A.

Too bad it's becoming clear that if you eat there, you're giving your money to terrible, terrible people.

The Christian-run organization (closed on Sundays!) has already been revealed as the horrible gay-bashers that they are, so the news they'd stoop to suing a small-time Vermont folk artist trying to promote local agriculture with T-shirts urging folks to "Eat More Kale" isn't all that shocking. But, still. Chick-fil-A's problem with the shirts?

In a letter, a lawyer for Chick-fil-A said Muller-Moore's effort to expand the use of his "eat more kale" message "is likely to cause confusion of the public and dilutes the distinctiveness of Chick-fil-A's intellectual property and diminishes its value."

By the letter of the law, sure, Chick-fil-A, which has used the slogan "Eat mor chikin," has a point and no doubt plenty of legal precedence. But is it really worth harshing the mellow of a bearded dude trying to get people to eat more vegetables? WWJD, Chick-fil-A?

Commentarium (18 Comments)

Nov 29 11 - 5:49pm

WWJS: Whom would Jesus sue?

Nov 29 11 - 6:29pm
Buck Nasty

Kale does not fill up the toilet as fast as greasy chicken.

Nov 29 11 - 6:38pm
Chick-fil-A rocks!

Why would they want to be associated with idea-stealing hippies or fudge-packing defectives? Good for them.

Dec 02 11 - 2:41am

Guess you wished Hitler would have won the war as well?

Nov 29 11 - 6:50pm

An utterly specious suit. They might have something if he misspelled "more" in the same way, or "kale," for that matter. I hope they get sanctioned.

More importantly, though, you are nuts if you think In 'n Out is better that Five Guys. Five Guys rules -- it's better even than ShakeShack burgers.

Nov 29 11 - 7:40pm

If this guy wins the suit he's got it pretty made for awhile. You can't pay for publicity like this as a small time artist.

Nov 30 11 - 12:13am

Shake Shack is totally overrated and mediocre. You can find a better burger & shake in most diners. Five Guys is solid. In 'n Out is, I believe, a west coast thing, so I can't speak to that.

Dec 01 11 - 10:45am

There will be no sanctions here, too close to being legitimate.

Don't forget that Chik-fil-A is getting publicity from this too.

Nov 29 11 - 8:58pm

wait, you think In-n-Outs fries are terrible? What In-n-Out do you go to?

Nov 29 11 - 9:41pm
BJs for Brekky

So if a porn producer hoisted up the flagpole the slogan 'Eat More Sperm', would these clowns go going after him, too?

Nov 29 11 - 10:20pm

In-N-Out makes the best fries! If you don't like them, you're probably just too used to those reconstituted, additive filled, frozen potato products other fast food places. In-N-Out's are just straight up potatoes, and they are yummy.
PS - This is a totally frivolous lawsuit. Who are they kidding? There is no way an "Eat more kale" T-shirt is going to create confusion.

Nov 29 11 - 10:57pm

That's what I hate about the In-N-Out fries! If I want greasy, shitty fast food fries, I want greasy, shitty fast food fries. Not pure potatoes. It's like smoking American Spirits, or buying a salad at McDonald's.

Nov 30 11 - 1:27am

If Chick-fil-A is going to join the trend of trademark bullying I will eat more beef and less "eat mor chikin."

Nov 30 11 - 2:46am

guy is getting free publicity and Chick-Fil-A look like morons. I love their food, I hate their religious bullshit.

Nov 30 11 - 7:36am

Chick-fil-a is clearly in the right. Many US consumers struggle to differentiate between kale and fried chicken patties.

Nov 30 11 - 2:13pm

Chick-Fil-A's website seeks personal accounts of family experiences eating at Chick-Fil-A. I wrote one up about my Aunt Maureen and her wife, still haven't seen it show up on their site.

Dec 01 11 - 11:13am

eat more kale guy has been selling eat more kale stuff for a long time. why is chick-fil-a just getting around to this now?

Jul 30 12 - 8:00am
Chris Clement

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