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It's probably true that Diet Coke is a drink that people associate with ladies — ladies on diets, or ladies not on diets who figure they "might as well save the calories" for something other than a soda. So maybe it makes sense that Diet Coke has launched a decidedly feminine ad campaign in the U.K. and Europe, called "Love It Light," along with the debut of fashionable soda-can designs. They are quite pretty, in fact: they feature patterned silhouettes of female profiles and have a very 1960s feel.

What gets to me, though, is the way that gender-neutral things like soda are being marketed to specific sexes. I mean, it's obviously a thing ad people have always done: "get inside" the male or female brain and market stuff to them from inside their own brains. But Diet Coke already has women hooked on their product. And not to get all Gender and Sexuality 101, but why perpetuate the stereotypes that women, not men, drink Diet Coke? Shouldn't they want everyone to buy their damn soda?

This might not even be something I or anyone else would bat an eyelash at if it weren't arriving on the heels of the sexist "NOT FOR WOMEN" Dr. Pepper Ten campaign, "with just ten manly calories" (because that's oh so different from drinking straight-up diet). Diet Coke isn't brazen enough to proclaim that their product is "not for men" (although that would be funny), but I don't see why soda companies can't just be more accepting. Gosh.

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Jan 13 12 - 1:12pm

The strategy they have is Diet Coke for the ladies and Coke Zero for guys - easy peasy

Jan 13 12 - 1:41pm
Jeff @ DTM

Yeah, the Dr. Pepper thing wasn't sexist... otherwise every other ad that targets a specific sex is sexist. That ad was purposely over the top to make a point. It made fun of men, not women...

Jan 13 12 - 2:22pm

I wish they made 'Manpons'. Tampons for men.R

Jan 14 12 - 12:54am
Sow Da

So the Cola Wars are now part of the Gender Wars? One can but sigh. Where is the idea of teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony when we need it?

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