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Recently, I was appalled when my friend, a former camp counselor, told me that one of his six-year-old campers had an iPhone. But according to a recent exposé in Adweek, it seems that the six-year-old in question was in fact late to the technology party. The article reveals that major brands have been re-directing their focus on turning babies into consumers. As a result of this, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood reports that babies now request brand-name items as soon as they can speak, and by the time they reach three years of age, they can recognize about 100 brand logos. Quelle horreur!

"'[Brands] are going younger and younger all the time,' says Dan Acuff, a former marketing consultant to Hasbro, Mattel, Nestlé, and others. 'Babies don’t distinguish between reality and fantasy, so they think, ‘Let’s get them while they’re susceptible.’'"

It's not a new concept that cell phones and iPads aren't good for babies. But it's still worth mentioning that studies suggest children under two years old should not be exposed to screens at all. That still hasn't stopped products like the Vinci — a tablet designed for children ages one to four — from hitting the market.

The physical dangers of cell phones and tablets to infants is one thing, but the long-term effects of marketing jargon on children should be considered as well. Ad-savvy feminists (and masculinists!) know that toy marketers are poised to transform girls into fairytale wedding-demanding princesses and boys into ninjas with anger issues. Check out this word cloud based on the terms that appeared most in toy ads aimed at children. Of course, "word cloud" implies that the children these terms are aimed at actually have a vocabulary. I'm still reeling that marketers are hell-bent on imprinting brand consciousness into human beings who are still in diapers.

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Comments ( 10 )

Oct 03 11 at 1:09 pm

Don't confuse expressive vocabulary with cognitive vocabulary. Under-twos may not be able to say many words, but they understand a lot more than they can express. I'm not surprised that corporations are trying to imprint brand terms on them -- the biggest explosion of development in this area is between 18 months and three years.

As for the "no screens" rule, yah, sure. Good luck with that. We were all "no formula, no pacifiers, no TV," and it all goes out the window at some point. Realistically, the best you can do is monitor what they watch and how much. Unless you're ready to throw out the TV, they're going to want to watch it, too.

Oct 03 11 at 1:46 pm

My mom threw out our TV when I was 2: She caught me hiding under the kitchen sink waiting for the "Chuck Wagon" to come by when she was feeding the dogs.

Oct 03 11 at 10:30 pm

Which means that my mom is an idiot.

Oct 04 11 at 12:28 am


Oct 04 11 at 1:00 am


Oct 04 11 at 4:04 am

I myself use a 4 yr old Sony Ericsson brick phone, pretty happy with that. Until I saw a blind man with an iPhone 4. I don't even LIKE iPhones.

Oct 24 11 at 1:51 am

.He did this met with the help of contempt out of some considering that it suggested only the us had veteran lost in the conflict and left bloggers and politics opponents together with ammunition in order to oppose her ideas.Although some parallels happen to be drawn amongst Nixon in addition to Kennedy, when considering their strategy, Nixon's preference to continue in addition to broaden your war set him within the camp of his own.The anti-war routine was earning momentum in north america, which be responsible for cries via Nixon for those silent majority of US citizens for making their impression heard throughout their support to the war

Oct 24 11 at 1:01 pm

." For the first time, many people are reading and searching for factual information about Miriam of Magdala, Templars, Crusades, Inquisitions, Cathars, Gnostics, and the formulation of the early Roman Catholic Church. Is this a bad thing?

Only if we deny the truth, are research of our religion and the origins of Christianity a bad thing. When we deny the truth, then all of our time spent reading and researching is for nothing. It is time for governments and religious orders to reform themselves

Oct 27 11 at 1:54 pm

. They have less stress as they do not hold grudges and believe in forgiveness. They hold themselves to higher ideals and believe in helping one another and, especially, those less fortunate. Christians make the world a better place, regardless of whether we believe in their religion or not

Nov 05 11 at 3:13 am

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