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Iran objects to "pro-Israel" 2012 London Olympics logo

While most people dislike the logo for the London Olympics — which simply writes out "2012" in jagged day-glo numbers — we can count on Iran to come up with an all-new, crazy reason to dislike it. The country recently sent a letter to International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge objecting to the logo because, they say, it's obviously spelling out the word "Zion," and that's just a bit too pro-Israel for their tastes.

And what is Iran going to do about it? From the letter:

There is no doubt that negligence of the issue from your side may affect the presence of some countries in the games, especially Iran which abides by commitment to the values and principles.

So... are you going to boycott, or what? Because, let's be serious, they're not changing that logo. (The Olympics committee denies any secret meaning, obviously.) And besides that, if it were spelling out anything, it's clearly "Zioz." Or perhaps "Zior." But it's definitely not, because we all know that it's really an abstract rendering of Lisa Simpson giving her brother head:

Commentarium (15 Comments)

Mar 01 11 - 10:42am

1. If Iran doesn't want to come to the Olympics due to some imagined slight, I figure that's entirely their problem.

2. The logo's supposed to be 2012? I always thought it was just 'modern art', which is ofcourse code for 'squiggly crap'.

Mar 01 11 - 10:51am
Low Go

If Iran didn't like the logo, why didn't they say something when it was unveiled back in 2007? Why wait until now?

Mar 01 11 - 12:33pm
Ray Rahman


Mar 01 11 - 1:23pm

Isn't Arabic read right to left? Wouldn't it be Ozzi? The only people to protest ought to be bat lovers.

Mar 01 11 - 4:35pm

I still can't not see the image of Lisa Simpson going down on Bart, no way I'm gonna be able to see "Zion" after that.

Mar 01 11 - 6:11pm

Lisa giving...ewww!

Nov 04 11 - 5:45pm
nuke iran

Seriously what the fuck is anyone in iran good at other than creating wars, they shouldnt even be allowed to participate in the olympics. If they didnt like the logo too fucking bad, fuck islam!

Nov 05 11 - 1:57am
Don't nuke Iran

Fuck Islam? How about "fuck you"? How does one small group of people reflect upon more than a billion people? Nuke Iran? How does one small group of people represent 75 million people? Don't be a jackass, bigot.

Nov 10 11 - 5:51pm
4 year old adults

Fun to see the world of adults full of idiots behaving even stupider than what most naive lil children can do or come up with. Seriously that is a very serious sexist incest logo haha... Pretty epic =)

Jul 27 12 - 12:13pm

This one's a stretch, but in 90 years the 2102 Olympics are definitely going to get a boycott.

Jul 30 12 - 1:04pm

I see Lisa and Bart... lol

Aug 01 12 - 4:31pm

Lisa and Bart, oh for f**k sake... What have been seen, cannot unseen... :D

Aug 02 12 - 5:34am

Why does the London 2012 logo looks like Lisa Simpson giving Bart a blow job?

Aug 04 12 - 1:36am

I have one question..

Why is the second "2" not like the first "2" ? Why is there a point between the one and the two ?

Aug 12 12 - 11:22am
Simple Gee

Ok Iran is crazy, or at least the leader's are. First of all Israel doesn't even compete in the Olympics because of what happened in Munich in 1974, second Iran is just a Israel \ Jew hating country and would find any way to complain and go against Israel. Any way even if it says Zion. GOOD. Well because of what happened in Munich! (for all who don't know, a bunch of Arab Terrorists came and kept the Israel Olympic team Hostage and when then the Terrorists killed ALL of them) so Yah, Iran is crazy and none of us should care for what it says. Im not saying though that we should be mean to the entire religion of Islam though.

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