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Tea Party protesters wear American flag burqas

American flag burqa

BoingBoing may have finally out-obscured themselves. They have found the most strange, abstruse purchasable good on the internet. Well, is it the TV Hat? The Snazzy Napper?

Nope. It's an American-flag-themed burqa which you can buy at Protesters wore them to a Tea Party rally yesterday (and no, I don't think they are practicing Muslims). What's creepier than an ironic Tea Party demonstration using American flag burqas is the fact that they're produced in the first place. Though, in 2010 it's pretty creepy to see anyone wearing American flag apparel at all.

Considering that half the country thinks our president is Muslim and that same half is in accordance with burning the Quran, it looks like is barking up the wrong tree.

Comments ( 4 )

Sep 13 10 at 10:22 am

so, is this is a huge step forward for America or back?

Sep 13 10 at 10:23 am

What happens if you set it on fire? The Tea Partiers heads would explode!

Sep 13 10 at 1:47 pm

This is ironic at so many different levels that my head is about to explode right now, and I am an American Muslim.

Sep 13 10 at 4:16 pm

This is up there with that vagina-scented cologne: Who, exactly, would use this?

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