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    Reverend Terry Jones Burn a Koran Day

    Rev. Terry Jones, head of a small evangelical church in Florida, has garnered national attention recently over his plans to hold "Burn a Koran Day" (Jesus's favorite day!) on September 11th. Jones believes "it's time to send a message to radical Islam that we will not tolerate their behavior," which is constant with the anti-Muslim teachings he preaches at his World Dove Outreach Center. Why, as educated people, do we give a shit what some nutjob in Florida and his fifty followers are doing? Because it's America, where whoever says the craziest thing the loudest wins!

    Gen. David Petraeus, leader of US military operations in Afghanistan, Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, and Attorney General Eric Holder are all among the notable figures who have come out against the proposed Koran burning, though each duly noted Jones's right to do so. David Axelrod, President Obama's chief political adviser, had this to say:

    "The reverend may have the right to do what he's doing but it's not right. It's not consistent with our values ... I hope that his conscience and his good sense will take hold."

    Good sense, I fear, will not play much of a role in this debate on either side of the aisle. Mohammad Mukhtar, cleric and Parliamentary candidate in the upcoming Afghanistan elections, made sure of this when he told the Associated Press:

    "It is the duty of Muslims to react when their holy book Quran gets burned in public. If this happens, I think the first and most important reaction will be that wherever Americans are seen, they will be killed. No matter where they will be in the world they will be killed."

    Thanks, Mr. Mukhtar. That really helps.

    Commentarium (6 Comments)

    Sep 09 10 - 9:02am

    The media should not have covered this nutjob at it's in the news everyday, all over the world. Free publicity for a twit, spreading his hatefulness.

    Sep 09 10 - 11:01am

    I know this puts me in the minority, but I'm not bothered by this at all. Not in an "I just don't care" way, but in an "it's just a book" way. Symbolism, insult, I get it, but we all need to get over this notion that ANY book is The Inerrant Word of God/The Prophet/Santa Claus. It's a book. It's philosophy and myth. Or it's kindling. Whatever.

    Sep 09 10 - 11:59am
    Flip Flop

    If you consider that there is a right in this country to put your place of worship where ever you want, whether it is the right thing to do, then you shouldn't have any problem with this because the pastor has the same first amendment right to burn a book, whether it's the right thing to do or not. Kinda the same issue when everyone got up in arms about Beck's little get together on the anniversary of MLK's speech, because he wasn't taking into consideration other people's feelings for the date, basically suspending his right to free speech, while using the opposite argument on the placement of the Mosque near ground zero.

    Sep 09 10 - 12:12pm

    God forbid that religious extremisim should exist.

    Sep 09 10 - 12:49pm

    @thinkywritey I agree with you completely.

    Sep 09 10 - 3:11pm

    Obama should have a beer with this guy and some Islamic terrorist types.