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Were you scandalized when J.K. Rowling whipped out the controversial relationship between giant Hagrid and slightly-more-giant giant Olympe Maxime? Then you'll definitely be scandalized by the results of our latest Hooksexup Dating poll. 

One of our readers asked Miss Information about height and dating, so we asked Hooksexup Dating users if they'd ever dated anyone much taller or shorter than them.

More than 70% of our daters said that they had dated someone outside their height group, and most of them felt it wasn't a big deal. A little more than a quarter of our daters have only dated members of their own height group, with half of those saying they'd be willing to go for someone taller or shorter than themselves. Our most astute member reminded us that "we're all the same height lying down."

Want to date someone taller or shorter than yourself? What about someone exactly the same height as you, down to the micron? You'll find them on Hooksexup Dating

Commentarium (16 Comments)

Mar 20 12 - 9:24pm

As my name suggests, I'm rather on the short side (4'11"). Everyone is much taller than me. Regardless of the height difference, it all works out in the boudoir.

Mar 20 12 - 11:20pm

The trick is getting into the boudoir to begin with, if you're a short dude (5'5" here) :-/

Mar 20 12 - 11:35pm

Best line I ever heard was "lying down we're the same height"

Mar 20 12 - 11:57pm

Golly, I sure wold love to participate in such polls. Too bad Hooksexup dating thinks Detroit doesn't exist.

Mar 21 12 - 12:35pm

You could always create a New York or Chicago account for polls only.

Mar 21 12 - 5:33am
sdangee 1.94162

My sister, 5'3, married a guy 6'7. They broke up because he went batshit crazy, not because of any physical factors.

Mar 21 12 - 2:59pm

At six foot even, most of the women I've dated were shorter than me. But dating one who topped out at 6-3 before she put on her sky-high heels was a new sensation...I felt almost like a kid again.

Mar 21 12 - 4:51pm
mr. man

answer: yes, more than once, and it's awesome. i was (and still am as far as i know 5'7") and she was 6'. it was like climbing a jungle gym. i love my life.

Mar 22 12 - 5:21am

I'm 6' 2" and would consider dating a shorter guy, but they often seem intimated by my height.

Apr 18 12 - 4:26pm

I'm 5'6 and wouldn't think twice about dating a taller girl. Long legs are amazing! It's just too bad that lots of tall ladies are dead set against being seen in public with a shorter guy. I get passed over in favour of the taller guys all the time. Even by the short ladies too. The high heels speak the loudest against me. I don't know many short guys who would reject taller girls but there are plenty of tall girls who want absolutely nothing to do with a shorter guy. Short girls aren't a viable option either because they have the same amount of hate for short guys, if not more.

Mar 22 12 - 4:35pm
The Grey Fox

My lady is more than a foot shorter than me, and we work it just fine.

Mar 23 12 - 10:15pm

My lady is about 5" inches taller than me, when we stand up...

Mar 25 12 - 2:15pm

this is a silly poll. it lumps Tall-M/Short-F relationships with Tall-F/Short-M and also leaves me wondering on dynamics in M-F vs. M-M vs. F-F relationships

Mar 29 12 - 4:43am

My boyfriend is 6 foot and I am 5" 1' and there is no problem. But I imagine that it would be wierd dating a smaller guy- But that is probably because I am so small that I am not used seeing the top of anyones head xD

Apr 14 12 - 7:50am

I'm way shorter than my boyfriend and when I kiss him I need to tiptoe! We're only similar in height when on escalators haha

May 02 12 - 2:38pm

No dwarfs for me, unless he is rich. Rotten rich.

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