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Ah, l'amour. It's universal right? Apparently not if you don't speak French.

Miss Information gave some advice about language barriers this week. So we were wondering: would you ever date someone who didn't speak your language?

Hooksexup Dating members have never been a house so divided. 53% of you answered that no, you would not date someone who didn't speak your language. After all, how could you have a relationship without words? (I mean... use your imagination. But point taken.)

A nearly equal 47% of you said that sure, you would date someone who didn't speak your language. "Been there, done that. Will again," one Hooksexup Dating member commented. Another said they "wouldn't date someone who only spoke Klingon, but otherwise, we could learn each other's language over time." We're now picturing Lieutenant Worf looking forlorn, but that's just us.

Want to find someone who either believes in love sans frontieres, or who believes in the transcendent romantic power of the spoken word? Either way, you're in luck; head over to Hooksexup Dating and get started on that.

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Apr 18 12 - 9:41pm

When I was in Taiwan learning Chinese I dated a German guy who didn't speak much English who was also learning Chinese. We were a strange couple... two white guys speaking Chinese.

Apr 19 12 - 11:23am

53% agree, "How deep can a relationship be without words?"

Seriously?! Try spending an enire day with the person you love, without speaking. Would you really love them less, or more? Would your love evaporate without spoken language?

Apr 19 12 - 5:31pm

That's someone you've already established a relationship with, and a great deal of that was through... Here it comes... Verbal communication.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Apr 19 12 - 11:44am

yes once but won't again... I prefer someone I can talk to and someone who can converse with me.... I do speak several language but some language like Chinese was just to hard for me to master and he just couldn't really speak anything else......

Apr 22 12 - 9:17pm

Everywhere but the US the question would be "Would you date someone who doen't have a language in common with you?"

Now you say something

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