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Topless woman Danish

The Danish People's Party has figured out the immigration "problem": feature lots of naked women in the country's promotional videos.

No, they aren't trying to win some new converts to the country of Denmark (although that will certainly happen — see above example), they simply want to alienate Muslims. Seriously.

Peter Skaarup, the foreign policy spokesman for the right-wing Party, wants to include shots of sunbathing women in a video that will be screened as part of an immigration test for potential citizens, a move he says would make hard-line Muslims reconsider their decision to move there.

"If you're coming from a strict, religious society, that might make you stop and think, oh no, I don't want to be a part of that," Skaarup said. [Argument Clinic]

Hey, if it means more nudity, that's fine with me. Oh, and fuck this asshole.

Comments ( 18 )

Skarrup must be Norwegian for "Palin". What an idiot!

meh commented on Dec 13 10 at 4:55 pm

*Skaarup (If I am insulting the man, I should at least spell his name right).

meh commented on Dec 13 10 at 4:56 pm

They can't scare me. I dare them to try. I demand to be screened and tested.

Brotato commented on Dec 13 10 at 4:57 pm

Actually I think there's some logic to this. The way he describes it is ignorant, but it might just deter people from thinking that they have a right to make a decision to move into an open, tolerant society with a goal of trying to change it to meet their needs.

If boobs are against your religion, don't go places where boobs live. Makes sense.

JD commented on Dec 13 10 at 5:08 pm

It's their country. Let them govern it as they see fit. Oh, wait. Does that mean Amerika will be dispatching drones to kill innocent civilians?

Twolane commented on Dec 13 10 at 5:52 pm

Seeing as I'm Danish, and living in Denmark, I just thought I'd chime in: Peter Skaarup and his cronies are generally considered to be batshit crazy by the majority of the country's voters. Unfortunately, they have been able to gain quite a lot of influence by appealing to ignorant people's fears about Muslim immigrants. They generally make a big deal out of the smallest things in the name of upholding Danish values. I for one hope they continue to get crazier and crazier, as taking them seriously will no longer be an option, even for their supposed followers.

SPDK commented on Dec 13 10 at 6:34 pm

What do you think?

SPDK commented on Dec 13 10 at 6:35 pm

What I wanted to say was: @meh: you will notice this little article was about Denmark and a Danish politician. Please get your Scandinavian countries sorted out... We're not all interchangeable. Thanks!

SPDK commented on Dec 13 10 at 6:36 pm


SPDK commented on Dec 13 10 at 6:38 pm

@SPDK: Sorry for min fejl. Jeg tænkte om Norge eller anden grund. Min pointe er stadig gyldig, enten måde.

meh commented on Dec 13 10 at 6:44 pm

somebody advise this guy to go one step further & make it mandatory for immigrants that they will have to scr*w some of these tight Danish babes as part of immigration test to alienate some unwanted people.believe me I will be the first comming to Denmark to take this ''test''.

ZK commented on Dec 13 10 at 10:27 pm

Maybe they should take this a step further, showing the ladies stripping off chadors, burkas, etc. Haven't you ever wondered what lies beneath?

Klothes commented on Dec 14 10 at 12:58 am

I don't get the idea that just because a religion has strict rules governing sexual behavior that the followers of said religion are not horn-dogs. My working assumption is that the more religious someone is, the more perverted they are - why else would they need all those rules and/or forgiveness?

VoR commented on Dec 14 10 at 8:43 am

@meh: Google translate? But yes, your point is still valid either way

SPDK commented on Dec 14 10 at 10:42 am

I am heavily in favor of this idea, and all others that involve naked women. I believe that we should attempt to solve all of the world's problems by inviting women to take their clothes off, and yes, that includes gender discrimination issues. Who the fuck cares if it won't work? That's hardly the point now, is it?

Murg commented on Dec 14 10 at 12:32 pm

I think that will actually have an opposite effect. I've been to my share of strip clubs and there's always a bunch of middle eastern guys in there with me. The more you taketh away, the more one wanteth.

O62 commented on Dec 14 10 at 1:37 pm

I feel bad for Muslim Women. The ones I have seen that aren't wearing the full outfit usually have huge tits, but when they wear those things they look almost flat chested. Must be hard to breathe.

JCVD commented on Dec 15 10 at 1:54 am

The irony of this is that Pia Kjaersgaard, the leader of the Danish People's Party is a religious nut herself.

TD commented on Dec 15 10 at 2:21 am

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