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Diesel models

Those pesky Diesel models are at it again. Last week, Diesel Jeans was given permission to shoot an ad at Brooklyn Law School — specifically that most hallowed of spaces, the library. And they sexed it up so much that school officials flipped out. How could the students be expected to study the cold, passionless law with all that leftover nakedness in the air?

Well, now they've hit up the New York Transit museum, and by the look of it, they did it again. While as of yet, no one from the museum has come forward in sexual-anxiety-induced rage, there's no telling where they'll stop. After a school and a museum, what could be next? A church? A preschool?

In the words of a very wise man, "Hide your kids. Hide your wife."

Sexy Diesel Models Transit Museum

Sexy Diesel Models

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Nov 17 10 - 6:29pm

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! Now where were those hot 'n' saucy museum attendants?

Now you say something

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