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Ah, modern romance. In spite of its generally uptight and arbitrary app-approval process, Apple has given the go-ahead to a new iPhone app designed to connect sugar daddies with the women who love their money them. SugarSugar, which features the insanely straightforward tagline "Where Romance Meets Finance" and bills itself as "the world's most effective and discreet place for finding Sugar Daddy and Sugar Baby relationships," will soon launch the "Sugar Lifestyle" app, essentially allowing sex to be purchased from the comfort of an iPhone.

In case it's still not clear what the point of the app is, the sugar daddies' names feature a handy dollar-sign graphic next to them. They really have thought of everything! Now excuse me while I find a nice, lonely older man to supplement my blogging income.

Tags Apple

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Jun 16 11 - 3:48am

Bets on how long this app stays on the market.

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