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As part of a recent spate of Planned Parenthood bashing by conservatives (Glenn Beck's 'Only a prostitute could "depend" on Planned Parenthood' lingers clearly in mind), it was recently suggested that the women's health services provided by Planned Parenthood — namely, pap smears and breast exams — could be provided at any local Walgreens. The collective forces of the internet will put that assertion to the test this Saturday by organizing flash mobs to appear at locations in New York, Madison, WI, and D.C. to demand pap smears from some bewildered pharmacists.

Per the event's Facebook page:

"This Saturday, April 16th, at noon, women across the U.S. will attempt to order pap smears at their local Walgreens Pharmacy to raise awareness about the critical female health services that are... at risk of being cut amidst budget battles in Congress. The event is spreading across Facebook and social networks, after comedian Stephen Colbert featured a FOX & Friends segment that suggested women could easily get pap smears and breast exams at Walgreens instead of their local Planned Parenthood."

The organizers have created a YouTube channel to document your experiences. So, if you too are incensed by this story — or if you just really like flashmobs — sign up and go protest.  


Commentarium (6 Comments)

Apr 14 11 - 1:59pm

Meanwhile, a flash mob of hipsters is demanding Pabst Beers from Walmart.

Apr 14 11 - 4:54pm


Apr 16 11 - 8:08am

It's difficult to imagine a more futile effort.

Apr 18 11 - 11:46am

A flash-in-the-pan mob.

Sep 11 11 - 11:26am

Yes, this would prove a point. As it turns out, organizations not set up to provide services to massive numbers of people with no prior notice, can't meet the demand. Man, take that Fox, we really got you!

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