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For all those guys bitching about forking over the money for some roses and chocolates this February 14th, here's something to put the expense and hassle in perspective: at least you've only got one female companion. For the busy adulterer, the 14th and the 13th of February demand a great deal more finesse. While all the TV commercials are catering to the public couple, there's at least one service that exists for the woman in the wings, and the man who keeps her., a dating site, has created Sugar Daddy Concierge. This service lets two-timing guys enter how much they're willing to shell out on their other woman. Sugar Daddy's shoppers take care of the rest.

Sugarsugar boasts it can find its patrons "mutually beneficial" relationships, and based on the stock photos the couples consist of twenty somethings and wealthy older gentlemen who still don't understand this "face-space" business. Sugar Daddy can also bridge the generation gap, forgoing that silk scarf you would have gotten her and opting instead for the Gucci iPod-case she really had her eye on.

Tags Infidelity

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Feb 09 11 - 12:31am

My grandma refers to the Internet as "Spacebook." She knows that it's called the Internet, and she knows what Facebook and MySpace are, she just stubbornly calls it "Spacebook" anyway.

Feb 09 11 - 12:13pm

'Cause your grandmother is a G. She wins.

Feb 09 11 - 1:53am
Bro Ken

Must be nice. I can't even afford 1 woman, much less 2.