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Pope calls sex ed an attack on religious freedom

That wacky Pope! Every week it seems like we get another gem from him. This week, the leering pontiff criticized the socialist Spanish government over compulsory citizen-education courses that cover homosexuality and abortion. From his New Year's address: "I cannot remain silent about another attack on the religious freedom of families in certain European countries which mandate obligatory participation in courses of sexual or civic education." Certain European countries — that means you, Spain! A recent Slate article pointed out that teen-pregnancy rates in Western Europe are a third what they are here in the U.S., so Spain's feelings probably won't be too hurt.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Jan 10 11 - 7:36pm

Pope, meet Fred Phelps. Fred, meet your papist equal.

Jan 10 11 - 8:25pm

the dumb leading the dumber.

Jan 10 11 - 10:08pm

I guess the old '60s saying is still true: The Pope is a dope.

Jan 11 11 - 9:52am
Vinegar Bend

It's time to ignore this guy's existence. He's a relic of past centuries.

Jan 11 11 - 10:33am

At least he oked condoms, it's a step. I'm a little confused about "compulsory citizen education courses." Does that mean adults are forced to go to sex ed after work?

Jan 11 11 - 10:42am

I like how the "right" to remain ignorant is so fiercely fought for. They aren't being forced to BE homosexual or have abortions... it's education. Oh no!

Jan 12 11 - 10:18pm

What's wrong with his thumb?!!?!

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