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Pope Benedict

The Pope is on Twitter

The Pope is on Twitter

No longer content with just poking you on Facebook, Pope Benedict has officially entered the world of Twitter. You might've missed the tweet…
Vatican officially bans confession via the new app for iPhone

Vatican officially bans confession via the new app for iPhone

Bad news for all you tech-savvy Catholics — you'll have to suffer with the guilt of your sins until you can get yourself in front of a…
US Roman Catholic Church approves iPhone app to aid Catholics in feeling even guiltier

US Roman Catholic Church approves iPhone app to aid Catholics in feeling even guiltier

Do you have a hard time keeping track of your sins? I know I do. Thankfully the Roman Catholic Church has officially endorsed this new iPhone…
Pope calls sex ed an attack on religious freedom

Pope calls sex ed an attack on religious freedom

That wacky Pope! Every week it seems like we get another gem from him. This week, the leering pontiff criticized the socialist Spanish government…
Pope Benedict says condom use is OK for male prostitutes

Pope Benedict says condom use is OK for male prostitutes

Here's one I never saw coming: Pope Benedict, who wants to roll civilization back to the Dark Ages (and possibly beyond), has just given…