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Vatican declares Homer Simpson "a true Catholic"

The Vatican declares Homer Simpson a true Catholic.

What is going on with the Pope these days? If you've already forgotten, last week he and his buddies banned the French First Lady Carla Bruni from visiting the Vatican on account of her sexiness, to which I say "Boo-urns." Now, as if to make up for being sticks in the mud, the official newspaper of the Vatican L'osservatore Romano published an article tiled "Homer and Bart are Catholics," in which they praise that yellow, beer-bellied patriarch of Springfield as a "true Catholic." From the article:

[The Simpsons family] recites prayers before meals and, in their own peculiar way, believes in the life thereafter. ... Few people know it, and he does everything he can to hide it, but it is true: Homer J. Simpson is a Catholic.

So The Simpsons is cool, but the French President's wife is too much. Got it, Vatican nerds.

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Oct 18 10 - 11:18am

I guess they didn't see The Simpsons Movie over at the Vatican, wherein Christianity is mocked several times. Nice to have your communion wafer and eat it too.

Oct 18 10 - 1:31pm

Another lame attempt by organized religion to try to be "hip" and "edgy".

Oct 18 10 - 1:40pm

It was said about christian rock but it still sort of applies..."it doesn't make Christianity any only makes rock and roll worse." Hank Hill.

Oct 18 10 - 2:11pm

I doubt that the Muslim high command will be endorsing any infidel productions any time soon.

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