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In this month's Wired, Columbia sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh presents the fascinating results of years spent studying sex workers and technology. Venkatesh interviewed 290 women; his discoveries were many, but maybe the most interesting is that just carrying a Blackberry increases a prostitute's earning power, suggesting clean health and professionalism. A pretty amazing signifier, and probably one that Blackberry manufacturer RIM isn't any too psyched about. (Although you never know.) More of Venkatesh's findings:

• The internet has allowed prostitutes to cut out the middle man (pimps), booking their own clients online. Eleven pimps Venkatesh interviewed in 1999 were unemployed by 2003.

• In 2003, prostitutes found 9% of their clients on Craigslist; that number's down to 3%, while 25% of clients are now found on Facebook. 83% of call girls have Facebook pages.

• Prostitutes often carry two cell phones because clients like to take one away to establish a power dynamic.

Read the rest of the results here, including a breakdown of costs per neighborhood and more.

Comments ( 7 )

Feb 08 11 at 6:54 pm

What does that last finding mean, that clients take away a phone to establish a power dynamic? Not sure I get that.

Feb 08 11 at 7:49 pm

I'm also confused by that last finding and would be pretty alarmed if a client thought they were removing my only means of communication with the outside world.
But this study is awesome.

Feb 08 11 at 10:09 pm

So they can feel like they have power over the girl (but they don't know she has a second).

Feb 09 11 at 5:18 am

That's what confuses me. I get the power trip from the man's perspective. I just don't see how having a client think he has you alone and cut off from communication with the outside world is a good idea from a sex-worker perspective, considering the distinction between simple power fantasy and a desire to rob/beat/worse wouldn't be distinguishable from one another until it's a little late. I would not take someone snatching my phone as a sign that the encounter was going to go well. The point of cell phones, agencies (or made up cover-agencies), body guard-ish men, standing in groups, etc is partially so clients know you're not isolated: people know where you are and clients will get caught if they get inappropriate/violent. The author does not mention what level the girls who get their phones snatched most often are working at, so I guess it just depends on how highly you value the client or how much you need the money.

Feb 09 11 at 7:41 am
I Da Pimp

Yo, I tell ma beyatches to keep tha phone sos I can find them

Feb 09 11 at 12:10 pm

fascinating. too bad about those unemployed pimps. I knew times were tough but who knew Facebook was the new pimp.

Feb 09 11 at 10:52 pm
Rocks An

Apparently even the oldest profession changes along with technology. I wonder what the resume-appropriate term for "pimp" would be? "Intimacy manager" perhaps.

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