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Tennessee group declares this week "anti-porn" week

Ban Porn poster for anti porn week

How can an entire state be expected to rally against pornography -- especially when that state's name, Tennessee, would make the best porn-star name of any in the union (except for perhaps Alabama)? Apparently, Morality in the Media, the group sponsoring White Ribbon Against Pornography Week (WRAP), cares not.     

Robert Peters, Morality in the Media's president, complains that porn is so easily accessible that children are practically being forced to view the material. In an op-ed for the Asheville Citizen-Times, Diana Ronald-Sbazo, another member of Morality in the Media, calls any sort of tantalizing image pornography:

"Pornography in varying degrees is all around us: on TV, movies, advertising, fashions and the Internet. We are constantly faced with the dangling of the feminine form in various stages of undress as bait before the public eye, luring and tempting the vulnerable." 

The feminine form and its dangling, indeed! And that's from a woman who has testifed before a congressional committee.   

Now I'm sure we can all agree that children should not be watching porn. That's why there are those wonderful parental locks. But trying to ban pornography all together by policing what people bring into their own homes? What if we focused on trying to lessen TV violence, or banned just plain bad TV? I'm looking at you, Outsourced

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Nov 01 10 - 12:52pm

" ... it spills over into rape, child molestation and murder." Oh Christ, now I'm a rapist, child molester and a murderer. And I haven't even told anyone I watch porn. Err, I mean, I've never watched porn.

As far as "traitorous women" go, I'll have mine to go.

Nov 01 10 - 12:56pm

If porn is all around us, wouldn't it make more sense to make sure our kids have proper prospective so that they can see it and not get harmed instead of doing these futile efforts at stopping the flow? If the flood waters are rising and the levees are leaking everywhere, learning to swim is a much better use of time and effort than trying to hold the water back with your bare hands.

Nov 01 10 - 1:08pm

Why this week in particular? If porn is a problem, it's a problem 52 weeks a year. (Good metaphor, Meh!)

Nov 01 10 - 1:22pm

Wouldn't more guns help?

Nov 01 10 - 2:57pm

Hmmmmmm, Stop porn...I'll just write/make my own...does that help?? :D

Nov 01 10 - 5:25pm

You actually made me laugh.

Nov 01 10 - 8:33pm

MitM should start with something manageable and go from there. Perhaps stopping the tide would be good practice.