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Jennifer Swedeoson got quite a shock when her ten-year-old daughter brought home a book from school entitled What's the Big Secret?. (Hint: it's a little behavior we all engage in, better known as masturbation.) After reading a page about (gasp) "different types of touching," Swedeoson filed a complaint with the Oak Harbor School District. We assume she'd prefer for her daughter to receive her sex education from more reputable sources than a textbook, like the internet or those horny kids on Skins or her own natural curiosity.

The Washington school district has never had issues with the book before, claiming it's been available to students of all ages without parental permission and that sex-ed begins in fifth grade on a statewide basis. In fact, according to the district's assistant superintendent, Lance Gibbon:

"This book been on the shelves for 10 years, at five different elementary schools. That's 2,500 students a year, that's a lot of kids that had opportunity, and a lot of parents to give their input on it. This is the first time there's been any question about it."

Frankly, I'm impressed sex-ed has been in the elementary curriculum for a decade. Let's hope they don't change a thing and let all kids in on the "big secret". With middle school approaching, they're bound to find it out sooner than later.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

May 02 11 - 10:14am
Quizzical mama

Unbelievable! I read this book on a regular basis to my toddler daughter ( and promote it on my resource center devoted to holistic human sexuality information ( Human sexuality educator Debra W. Haffner (author of From Diapers to Dating: A Parent's Guide to Raising Sexually Healthy Children) recommends this book for children ages 3-8.

May 02 11 - 12:17pm

How terrible! How dare they tell kids that their bodies aren't shameful. Seriously, kids start touching themselves before they're out of diapers, I know lots of parents who have rules about only doing it in the bedroom for their 4-year-olds. If my daughter feels comfortable with her body and knows what she likes before she hits puberty it only means that she's more likely to be able to communicate clearly what she does and doesn't want when she starts dating. It's hard to know how to say no if you don't even know how to say yes.

May 02 11 - 1:45pm

@ Kristin " I know lots of parents who have rules about only doing it in the bedroom for their 4-year-olds." Doing what ????

May 02 11 - 2:44pm

masturbating. my son did it all the time when he was 2-4. all the time. on the couch, bathroom, everywhere. who knew?

May 02 11 - 4:10pm

As a four year old, so did I. My mom let me do it - but was always careful to make sure I knew when and where was appropriate. As a twenty-year-old adult, I am much happier and healthier sexually for being allowed to do these things, and I am certainly not a sexual deviant!

Masturbation is safe, healthy, and fun - I really wish people didn't make such a big deal out of it!

May 02 11 - 7:07pm

People need to chill the fuck out. If a kid touches him/herself, it's not the same as when if an adult did it to them. It's not molestation, they're not corrupting themselves, they're just doing something that feels pleasurable to them. Whatever, just let the parents teach them to do it privately.

It's a good thing, really, as kids are getting younger and younger when they hit puberty, and masturbation is an alternative to sex with other people. I'd certainly rather have a 12 who touched herself than a 12 yo who was sleeping with a classmate.

May 02 11 - 10:29pm

"I'd certainly rather have a 12 who touched herself than a 12 yo who was sleeping with a classmate."


I am a very morally traditional person-probably Puritanical to many people's standards-but I don't see anything wrong with masturbation at any age. Heck, I remember masturbating as an eight year old. What's ironic is I brought home a book on the topic when I was 15-yes, 15!-and my mom found it and freaked. :-S I think it's beneficial for girls to get comfortable with their bodies and pleasure themselves.. it's the only way i managed to stay a virgin until almost 19.

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