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Bad news for Lindsay Lohan, who was sort of maybe going to have a comeback with the Linda Lovelace biopic Inferno: her former costar Amanda Seyfried has just accepted the same role in a different biopic titled Lovelace. (Mean Girls fight! Mean Girls fight! My money's on Seyfried, but I bet Rachel McAdams would put up a fight. All bets are off if Fey and Poehler get involved, though.) If you don't know Lovelace by name, you've almost definitely heard of her most infamous film, Deep Throat, in which I guess one could say she played the titular role.

Unfortunately this story doesn't really have an empowered and successful Sasha Grey-type ending:

"She was just a Florida schoolgirl named Linda Boreman when she met Traynor, a would-be filmmaker who transformed her into a world-famous sex star. After years of being victimized, Lovelace quit the business and divorced Traynor, who she accused of taking advantage of her naivete and coercing her into porn and prostitution."

I would say this is good news for those of you who felt that Seyfried's turn in Chloe wasn't sexy enough for your liking, but I'm not sure how erotic this will actually turn out to be given the story. But hey, more work for Seyfried! That's the real good news — especially since In Time was really the worst.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Nov 02 11 - 12:58pm

Does it matter at all that Amanda Seyfried looks nothing like Linda Lovelace? Linda, for all her talents, was not a particularly pretty woman. I remember some critic describing "Deep Throat" as a movie completely populated by people who should never have been seen in public naked.

Nov 02 11 - 1:18pm

If something was porn to begin with, does Rule 34 still apply?

Nov 02 11 - 1:35pm

What about Lacey Chabert? I'll bet she could throw down!

Nov 02 11 - 3:46pm

Oh no... A thoughtful commentary on porn... How am I supposed to get off with that?

Nov 02 11 - 4:25pm


Nov 02 11 - 7:45pm

Well played Sir! Well played!

Nov 03 11 - 3:52pm

Abuse is even hotter when it's silent.

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