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Hm, you know, that title's actually a bit too vague. So, just to clarify: Johnny Depp's character, vampire Barnabas Collins, doesn't look terrifying. Johnny Depp does, and this film's future looks suddenly grim. Because it looks like Tim Burton (probably off vacationing in some foreboding wood or candy-colored whimsy palace) decided to let the BurtonBot 3000 handle this one, as he's been wont to do lately. Go BurtonBot, go:

I'll say this much: the BurtonBot 3000 knows how to be thrifty! With this look, if the producers need more footage but Depp isn't available or the budget's just not there, they can slap on some CGI glasses and a hat to his characters from Alice In Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or Sweeney Todd and call it a day.

Sigh. I know Burton has an aesthetic — one that got him where he is today and one that many people respond to — and I know his films are still successful, but... when was the last time he surprised you, really? Remember when you made things like this, Tim?

Halcyon days, my friends. Halcyon days.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Sep 14 11 - 1:21pm

Its time to just shoot Tim Burton and quite pretending he still makes anything worth viewing.

Sep 14 11 - 1:32pm

That's not a costume, it's just what Johnny Depp wore to the set that day.

Sep 14 11 - 2:13pm

Are you sure that's really Johnny Depp? I suspect it's really Winona Ryder.

Sep 14 11 - 2:35pm

This does not bode well.

Sep 14 11 - 7:18pm

Tim Burton needs to do serious movies again. Like Big Fish and Edward Scissorhands, I love those movies.

Sep 15 11 - 8:27pm

If Planet of The Apes and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory taught us something is that Tim Burton shouldn't do remakes.

Sep 16 11 - 12:31am

Burton & Depp have jumped the shark.

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