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Harry Potter

Eat it, The Artist! In addition to making ungodly amounts of money, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 has claimed the Golden Tomato Award, which means it was Rotten Tomatoes' best reviewed (wide release) movie of 2011.

The movie's 96 percent rating beat out critic darlings like Moneyball (95 percent) and Drive (93 percent) for the prize, which I sincerely hope is an actual trophy Daniel Radcliffe is currently clutching as he taunts Brad Pitt outside his French estate. Here's the entire top ten:

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (96 percent)
2. Moneyball (95 percent)
3. The Muppets (96 percent)
4. Drive (93 percent)
5. Hugo (94 percent)
6. Midnight in Paris (93 percent)
7. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (93 percent)
8. Source Code (91 percent)
9. 50/50 (93 percent)
10. Bridesmaids (90 percent)

No, I don't understand how a movie with a 95 rating beat one with a 96 rating, either. But Rotten Tomatoes also included a "limited release" top ten, with Project Nim as number one:

1. Project Nim (98 percent)
2. A Separation (100 percent)
3. The Artist (97 percent)
4. Poetry (100 percent)
5. The Interrupters (99 percent)
6. Everyday Sunshine: The Story of Fishbone (100 percent)
7. Le Havre (98 percent)
8. Cave of Forgotten Dreams (96 percent)
9. Bill Cunningham New York (98 percent)
10. Born to Be Wild (98 percent)

I've always been more of a Metacritic girl, so I think it's interesting to note that most of these movies are a good ten, fifteen points lower over on that site. Also interesting? The Artist's major competition for Best Picture, The Descendants, is nowhere to be found. Guess it just couldn't recover from this scathing review on Rotten Tomatoes by Tony Macklin, who made the George Clooney-Clark Griswold comparison we were all secretly pondering.

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