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Johnny Depp is still too cool for his millions

Johnny Depp Vanity Fair

A few months ago, to mark the release of yet another Pirates movie, we ran a piece called "Johnny Depp's Guide To Selling Out Without Anyone Noticing," pointing out that Johnny Depp, despite being a totally mainstream, A-list, mega-rich Hollywood movie star, oddly maintains an aura of indie cred. From today's news, here's an example of how he does that: in an interview in November's Vanity Fair, Depp was asked about the totally ludicrous amounts of money he made on the Pirates of the Caribbean (he's officially Hollywood's best paid actor, and has allegedly made $300 million dollars from Captain Jack Sparrow). Depp said: 

"Basically, if they’re going to pay me the stupid money right now, I’m going to take it." 

Step one, make it sound like you don't care. Step two, subtly suggest that it has nothing to do with you, but rather that "the man" (out of his own stupidity, not yours) just handed you some checks. And then step three, talk about a rock star:

"[A friend of Depp's] shared with Depp that their mutual buddy Keith Richards, the professed inspiration behind Captain Jack Sparrow, had 'beautiful things to say' about Depp’s singing in Sweeney Todd. 'He never told me that,' Depp says, touched..."

Oh, and also, as the photos accompanying the article (one of which is above) nicely illustrate, in addition to the whole rich-but-still-cool thing, he has apparently ceased aging.

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Oct 17 11 - 4:59pm

Okay fine. We're all convinced that Johnny Depp is a sellout, even though that term ceased to have relevance about 15 years ago. Serioulsy - your arguments are impeccable, your logic unassailable. Can you please start talking about something else now because no one cares.

Oct 17 11 - 5:11pm

Whine whine whine. "Serioulsy," go to another site if you don't like the content on this one. Stop taking up space.

Oct 18 11 - 11:00pm
It is

failed trolling, nothing more.

Oct 17 11 - 5:20pm

I think he was being sarcastic on that comment, jd style.

Oct 20 11 - 2:45am

did depp kick your puppy or something?
I don't really have anything invested in depp's coolness, or whatever, but this, the second 'come on seriously people, it shouldn't cool to like him anymore' article just seems a little over the top. trying just a little too hard.

Now you say something

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