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Turn Me On, Dammit!, a new, offbeat Norwegian sex comedy set to hit theaters on March 30, deals with adolescent female sexuality in a way you rarely see on film, despite the glut of male-centered teen sex comedies like Superbad and the American Pie series, which are a dime a dozen. The film has received excellent reviews, and won awards for Best Screenplay at the Tribeca Film Festival and Best Debut Film at the Rome Film Festival.

The movie revolves around fifteen-year-old Alma (played by seventeen-year-old Helene Bergsholm), whose out-of-control libido leads to her being shunned by her schoolmates and small Norwegian village. Yes, The Scarlet Letter is the operative analogy here. (Alma not-so-subtly wears red throughout the movie.) Alma daydreams about a handsome classmate named Arthur, who, in a pivotal scene, performs a lewd action that leads to Alma's sullied reputation. She also runs up her single mother's phone bill by making expensive calls to a male phone-sex worker named Stig.

The film is refreshing in that it features an empowered female protagonist who stays true to herself, while remaining unaffected by all the slut-shaming going on. Turn Me On, Dammit! was directed by Jannicke Systad Jacobsen, who adapted the screenplay from the novel by Olang Nissen. More movies like this are needed to counteract the soft misogyny of Hollywood.

Turn Me On, Dammit! trailer


Commentarium (9 Comments)

Mar 07 12 - 5:32pm
Jeff @ DTM

Looks adorable... notice the subtle title change for release in the states (from "Goddammit" to just "dammit")... ahh, America... Who were you hoping not to offend? The movie is already about underage sex, was the cussing what threw it over?

Mar 07 12 - 6:00pm

Sweet, teen, Nordic white girls...what more could this country want.

Mar 07 12 - 6:44pm

fiiiiiinally. this movie is an awesome idea. me and my friends were just regular girls as teenagers, but you never see movies like superbad about us. there needs to be more movies like this to remove the stigma that keeps girls silent about their own hormones

Mar 07 12 - 11:47pm

What do they have against that sign!? Seriously, though, this looks great.

Mar 08 12 - 6:21am

Another movie sexualizing children. How progressive, rare and so exactly what this country needs. Nothing about this screams jailbait exploitation at all.

Mar 08 12 - 8:40am

But teenagers are sexual beings...... this movie isn't sensationalizing anything...... reminds me of the Swedish movie (I live in Sweden) Fucking Åmal..... another good one to watch

Mar 08 12 - 1:07pm
mr. man

this looks wonderfully human. i'm in.

Mar 09 12 - 9:41am

This one is going to hit home for me, I can tell.

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