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Babyoncé is already a guest on a Jay-Z track

Beyonce pregnant

Just two days after her highly, highly anticipated birth, Babyoncé, née Blue Ivy Carter is, of course, already a guest on a Jay-Z track. No creepy Willow Smith vibes here, though, the whole thing is just adorable.

Jay-Z released "Glory (featuring B.I.C.)" yesterday, which is mostly just packed with heartwarming rhymes about his new daughter, like "Baby I paint the sky blue / My greatest creation was you" and my personal favorite, "You're my child with the child from Destiny's Child." Unexpectedly, though, he also reveals that prior to her pregnancy with Blue Ivy, his wife Beyoncé suffered a miscarriage: "Last time, the miscarriage was so tragic / We was afraid you'd disappear but nah, baby you magic."

At the very end, you can even hear Blue Ivy (i.e. B.I.C.) crying, marking what's probably the first of many appearances on cute, effortlessly popular tracks — you can listen to the full song below. I have never in my life been more jealous of an infant. 

Tags Beyonce jay-z

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Jan 10 12 - 3:00pm
property realper

I guess this was recorded when they paid 1.8 million dollars to close an entire floor of the hospital (including preventing other parents from seeing their new babies)?

Fucking asshat celebritards using their fortune to pretend they're better than everyone else. I wish they'd just go the fuck away and leave us real people alone.

Jan 10 12 - 3:37pm

Jesus, don't act so fucking holier than thou, they have enough money to make themselves how comfortable as they'd like, trading places, i would buy out the whole entire floor if I could, it's a matter of means.

Jan 10 12 - 3:50pm
histrionic itsnve

Perhaps you didn't catch the point that other peoples' babies were still there and they were prevented from seeing them while King And Queen Fucknuts were there. What the fuck gives them the right to do that? Why do you need AN ENTIRE FLOOR of a hospital to be comfortable? Fuck them and their baby, and fuck you too.

Jan 10 12 - 8:08pm

If they needed enough privacy that an entire floor was required, they should've just given birth at home. They certainly have the money to pay for an at-home birth.

As if I needed another reason to hate the both of them, this is it.

Jan 11 12 - 1:12am

So much hate. It's a baby! How can you hate a baby? :)

Jan 11 12 - 4:53pm
point tateDo

Don't hate the baby, I hate the parents.

I would think on an uber-liberal, Occupy-adoring website like Hooksexup there would be more outrage over what they did to those other people.

Jan 14 12 - 1:30am

Wtf what's up with the Blue in the name its roumered to mean B-Born L-living U-Under E-Evil

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