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If the phrase "Hungry like the Blue Velvet Wolf," appeals to you, then you will be happy to learn that David Lynch will be directing a Duran Duran concert as part of American Express' Unstaged series. (Yes, Duran Duran are still performing together.) The webcast will be streamed live on YouTube, March 23 at 10pm, from the Mayan Theater in L.A. Expect to see Simon LeBon ravenously huffing from an oxygen mask while Nick Rhodes drives a tractor onstage.

Actually, fans will be allowed to interact with the show via a Choose Your Cam feature, which lets viewers switch between the mainstream and alternate angles. Other Lynchian innovations include the "Now Pulse" Crowd Visualizer (!), which will monitor real-time chatter until a specific crescendo is reached, unlocking special content, and the "All of Us Now" feature which will allow fans to upload photos of body parts that will comprise live and online collages. Said Lynch, "The idea is to try and create, on the fly, layers of images permeating Duran Duran on stage, a world of experimentation and hopefully some happy accidents."

The Lynch-directed episode kicks off the second season of Unstaged, which last year featured three concerts: Arcade Fire, John Legend and the Roots, and Sugarland, directed by Terry Gilliam, Spike Lee, and Kenny Ortega respectively. This year American Express is hoping to showcase up to a half-dozen concerts. The format allows for the endless prospect of juicy collaborations; can you imagine Quentin Tarantino directing the Wu-Tang Clan, or Terrence Malick guiding a Pink Floyd show?

Comments ( 2 )

Mar 14 11 at 6:15 pm

I just recently watched "Blue Velvet" again for the first time in years. I'm sorry to say it kind of disappointed.

Apr 13 11 at 7:40 am

Very true! Makes a change to see smoeone spell it out like that. :)

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