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David Lynch and M.I.A. will judge your vimeos


Sure, you've got a Youtube page full of garbage, but your vimeo channel is where you keep the top-shelf action, the resume builders. There's that pretty cool stop-motion video you made for film class way back when, the short-lived web series that, sadly, was not picked up by FX or Cartoon Network. It's where artists go to work, share, and dream the big dream of making really strange music videos.

Thankfully, vimeo will host its first ever "Festival + Awards" event (dig the minimalism). Included in the already impressive panel of judges are the likes of M.I.A., David Lynch, Roman Coppola, Lawrence Lessig, Ted Hope, Morgan Spurlock, and a man primarily known as "Ze Frank." The deadline for videos is today, so submit, you young ambitious go-getters. David Lynch can know that you exist.

Comments ( 10 )

Here's is a sample of MIA's criticique: "Your video shows promise, and you may have a bright career ahead of you, unlike the filmmakers of Sri Lanka who are oppressed by poverty and society and are refugees in their own country.... you need to keep it real and street like me... Sri Lanka! Street Cred! Real!"
grady lala commented on Aug 02 10 at 10:04 am
MIA is over. She died even faster than the most painful of all, Lady Gaga. Who's next?
Danceteam commented on Aug 02 10 at 10:20 am
DJ Spooky's also a judge and it's cool to see Lawrence Lessig's name again, one of my younger self's heroes who I haven't heard much about in quite some time. I sort of wish I had known about this weeks ago, but then I would just be more angry at myself for not doing this.
hummus commented on Aug 02 10 at 10:40 am
How could MIA have "died even faster" than Lady Gaga? I mean, just logistically?
kenpo commented on Aug 02 10 at 10:44 am
She died faster for dunces who first found out about her on MTV.
Gman commented on Aug 02 10 at 11:04 am
Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks gman. I'm still not 100% on why Lady Gaga is becoming the natural go-to for MIA comparisons. Really, Kanye West makes more sense.
kenpo commented on Aug 02 10 at 11:15 am
Well, MIA did make random statements about Lady GaGa ripping her off, which I find odd since A: They aren't even the same genre of music (pop vs. hip hop), and B: Hip Hop seems to be entirely about ripping off people, so she's not one to talk.
grady lala commented on Aug 02 10 at 11:45 am
MIA and Gaga both want attention. Hooksexup is giving it to them.
Me commented on Aug 02 10 at 12:17 pm
Well, at least Hooksexup has turned off the Gaga hype machine that got so tired. I'll take MIA over her and Kanye anyday. But how about something actually good, like LCD Soundsystem.
Police Time commented on Aug 02 10 at 1:29 pm
Won't happen. LCD Soundsystem doesn't have tits.
@Police commented on Aug 02 10 at 1:44 pm

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