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Listen: Weird Al's Lady Gaga spoof "Perform This Way"

Even though I'm not eight-years old anymore, I'm always secretly stoked whenever Weird Al Yankovic resurfaces in pop culture. I'm not saying necessarily that at one point I actually went to see him live at a state fair but... anyway. Yankovic is back with an on-point parody of Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" titled "Perform This Way," which more or less takes Gaga to task for over-the-top and unoriginal theatrics.

And, in spite of the whole "nice guy" thing he's had going on for decades, Al got into some drama with Gaga and her managers, who reportedly demanded he write and send them the entire song for approval, then rejected it. So naturally he posted the song along with an angry post on his blog. But don't worry, everything's okay again — the song has now been given the go-ahead to appear on the next Weird Al album, and he posted this follow-up statement:

Gaga's manager has now admitted that he never forwarded my parody to Gaga — she had no idea at all. Even though we assumed that Gaga herself was the one making the decision (because, well, that's what we were TOLD), he apparently made the decision completely on his own.

He's sorry.

And Gaga loves the song.

Well then. Take a listen to "Perform This Way" above, and let us know what you think in the comments.

Tags Lady Gaga

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Apr 21 11 - 9:40am

Remarkably, the comments section on Weird Al's blog has turned into an argument about the Human Rights Council, to whom he's donating all the money for the single. (Do YOU think the HRC does enough to support transgender rights? A vocal minority of Weird Al Yancovic fans do not!)

Apr 25 11 - 5:22pm

They really don't. There are better GLBT groups out there.

Apr 21 11 - 10:32am

Don't be ashamed of your Weird Al love. I'm a 20-something "hip" person and his show last summer was one of the most entertaining concerts I saw all year.

Apr 21 11 - 12:41pm

I like it. :D

Apr 21 11 - 5:36pm

Wierd Al is a genius.

Apr 23 11 - 4:20am
Dr. Girlfriend

I am not ashamed to say I am a 20 something and love Weird Al.

Jul 22 11 - 4:54am

You got to push it-this essenatil info that is!

Feb 12 12 - 9:16pm

Weird Al is the absolute undisputed cultural musical parody artist of all time. His SuperBowl show will be a defining moment of this generation. He will perform Family Values styleHe will b lauded for being an entertainer who can work clean, Then, about a week later, news will leak how his performance was laden with naughtiness! All done subliminal, slight of hand, certain letters would pop up, and if you pieced 2gether all them that were of the same colour, then if you reflect those letters into a mirror, they form words that enrage the FCC.