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Pixies play 33 songs in Chile for 33 miners

Pixies play 33 songs for 33 Chilean miners

It must be weird to play a concert in Chile when you knew that most of the country -- nay, most of the world -- was rapt by footage of thirty-three Chilean miners being rescued on live television. Such was the burden that the Pixies had when they played the Chilean city of Copiapó last night. But they handled it well by rocking the crowd with a thirty-three song set in honor of the the thirty-three rescued miners. 

Check out a minute of Pixies frontman Frank Black/Black Francis speaking in Spanish:

What song was played twenty-first, which would have reasonably be the song for philandering rescued mine number twenty-one? "Dead," of course. You can check out the entire setlist here. 

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Oct 14 10 - 4:30pm

oh come on the pixies were never that young, that picture can't be... oh god...