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Watch The Throne, the collaboration album between Kanye West and Jay-Z, was released over iTunes earlier this week, and now we have the first video from the album. The Spike Jonze directed "Otis" is surprisingly low-key for an album that is pretty much born of bombast: just Jay and 'Ye, driving around an empty lot in their hacked convertible, signing along to Otis Redding. The only concession to grandeur is a quick pyrotechnics show, but even that is tempered by the setting. And then Aziz Ansari shows up, because why not?

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I don't know if "Otis" would have been my first choice for the follow up single to the hilariously titled "H.A.M" — I like "Why I Love You" more, though it's not as radio friendly — but West and Jay-Z certainly seem like they're having fun here. Though I guess that's pretty easy when you are both millionaires and one of you is married to Beyonce.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Aug 12 11 - 3:29pm

Wow... can there be more proof that Aziz is just a waste of space? The dude is just not funny and added nothing to the video... WTF!!!!

Aug 13 11 - 4:24am

I don't like Aziz. Don't find him funny, actually he's a bit overwhelming and exhausting for my taste.

Aug 14 11 - 11:15am

clearly the first two posters have no taste in comedy.

Aug 15 11 - 10:44am

I like the picture of the two performers. Was it taken before or after the marriage ceremony? Is it true they were married in Mexico at La Amada? Or am I mixing up my Hooksexup stories?

Aug 29 11 - 8:34am

It's wodnferul to have you on our side, haha!

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