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Although you might think that he was too zonked out on Oxy and Egg McMuffins to be of much use to society anymore, Rush Limbaugh is indeed still spewing his trademark brand of bile all over the airwaves. This Wednesday, Rush decided to projectile hate-vomit all over Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law Student who was barred from testifying at last week's Congressional hearing about the Obama administration's contraception policy (which, as we all know, turned out to be a bigger white-sausage fest than an actual Bavarian white-sausage festival). Furious that a delicate ladyflower would publicly talk about her delicate ladyflower parts, Rush jumped at the opportunity to call Fluke a "slut" on the radio:

"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."

Limbaugh later attempted to remove his doughy little foot in his mouth, saying, "Okay, she's not a slut, she's round-heeled, I take it back" ("round-heeled" apparently being old, blustery white dude slang for "a woman who has had a fair amount of D in her"). 

Of course, it doesn't matter whether or not Fluke has, in fact, had a lot of D in her, because that's none of Rush's business; nor is it, in fact, related to her testimony, which she ultimately presented in front of a Democratic committee. During her speech, the former head of Georgetown Law Students for Reproductive Justice discussed women's need for birth control for both sexual health and non-sexual health-related reasons, citing the case of one friend who had an ovary removed because her insurance company wouldn't cover the birth control she needed to halt the growth of cysts (y'know, Rush, kind of like the infamous pilonidal one that got you out of the draft during the Vietnam War. The cyst where "excess tissue and hair may collect and cause discomfort and discharge").

But as we know all too well, Rush Limbaugh is about as interested in what's best for women as he is in the facts, so we probably shouldn't attempt to engage him too much on this issue. In any case, if you're interested in hearing what the discharge from an anthropomorphized pilonidal cyst has to say, the audio from his radio show is below. 

Commentarium (31 Comments)

Feb 29 12 - 11:26pm

Why does this guy still have listeners? Beyond that, why does he have sponsors?
I'm sure his comments are somehow just short of being legally actionable, but they're close. Even for him, this is pretty awful

Mar 01 12 - 5:34pm

Rush Limbaugh's show is distributed free to medium- and small-market radio stations, who insert their own commercials alongside the national spots already in the program. That way, the stations get two hours of airtime with a national name and don't have to pay a disc jockey, so you'll hear Rush all over the small-town dials. He's vanished from most of the big-city radio stations.

Mar 02 12 - 8:48pm

Yeah, he's not on WABC, KFI or WLS, for instance. The show also hasn't been distributed "free" for over ten years.

But you can believe his market share is waning, if it makes you feel better.

Mar 02 12 - 10:15pm

"Legally actionable," Yanqui? For expressing his opinion? Not even close. You should be embarrassed to even suggest such a thing.

I agree, Kel, that the business model Limbaugh uses is genius but you're wrong about him being absent from large market stations; he's in 45+ of the largest 50 markets and in every one of the top 20. I think lol was trying to make a point as he's on those stations representing NYC, LA and Chicago.

Limbaugh is the top-rated talk show since 1991. The 2011 Talker's magazine compiles local Arbitron ratings to form a national rating system. Conservative talk radio crushes the competition.
1. Limbaugh
2. Hannity
3. Morning Edition
4. All Things Considered
5. Savage
6. Marketplace
7. Beck
8. Levin
9. Ramsay
10. Delilah

Mar 06 12 - 4:10pm
No way

Dear Insider, as an attorney I can tell you for sure that Ms Fluke has an actionable slander case should she care to pursue one. I have little doubt that she'd win it, too. Read her actual words, then read his response. You obviously don't know jack about the law and it's you who should be embarrassed.

Mar 01 12 - 1:34am

What do you expect from a possible sex tourist like Limbaugh?

Mar 03 12 - 9:52am
Hold it

I thought we approved of sex workers here on Hooksexup?

Mar 01 12 - 10:19am

Fluke claimed that Georgetown law students, like herself, have a hard time scraping together $1,000 a year for birth control. Her proposed solution is that the rest of America should foot the bill.

Since condoms are about a dollar a pop, she must be hitting big numbers. Whether that makes her slut or not is a moral judgment.

Mar 01 12 - 10:27am

Did you read the article? It's not just about birth control as contraception. Last time I checked, condoms didn't do anything to tread ovarian cysts.

Mar 01 12 - 10:46am

His name is Doofus. Nuff said.

Mar 01 12 - 12:30pm

I did read the article. Fluke said she needed $1K a year for birth control. Her FRIEND needed pills to treat ovarian cysts.

And people call me a doofus.

Mar 01 12 - 8:00pm

It seems that Georgetown had a plan that covered birth control IF it was prescribed for non-birth control reasons. So either the friend didn't choose that plan or her doctor didn't follow the plan to get it for the non birth control reason.

Mar 02 12 - 12:07am

Or maybe, just maybe, there shouldn't NEED to be a reason for birth control at all besides the simple fact that someone made a decision about their body, and a medical professional agrees with it, and that's that.

Mar 02 12 - 9:25pm

I agree completely, RW. Just don't send me the bill. I suggest that the same privacy she rightly expects between herself and her doctor should extend to payment.

I went into a kosher deli in NYC once and couldn't get a ham sandwich. What kind of bigotry is that?

Mar 06 12 - 4:17pm

Listen carefully Gyno and all others supporting this line of so-called reasoning: You are NOT paying more for your coverage due to contraception coverage. In fact, studies and just plain common sense dictate that the cost of covering a pregnancy and birth is many times higher than the cost of covering birth control.

I worked in healthcare for over a decade and this "debate" is really a debacle. The insurance companies know the above is true which is why they're not jumping into the fray on this.

And Doofu, wow, way to live up to your name. If a woman uses the pill for contraception, she has to take one every day all year round regardless of how much sex she's having, in order for the pill to be effective. Follow me closely here: It's NOT the same as Viagra, which one only pops on an as needed basis. Jesus but people are uninformed and yet so self-righteous about their ignorance. Very sad and worrisome.

Mar 01 12 - 11:09am

rush is a cock sucker

Mar 02 12 - 9:26pm
As are you

Hey, thanks, so much for elevating the level of discourse here, genius.

Mar 01 12 - 12:12pm
Okay, so

taxpayers will pay for it if the woman can demonstrate a compelling or necessary medical need. If not, then it's just about them being to cheap to pay for condoms and the taxpayers should have the right to tell them piss off.

Mar 02 12 - 9:27pm
no NO NO!

Taxpayers shouldn't be paying for Fluke's health insurance under any circumstances.

Mar 06 12 - 4:20pm

Guess what geniuses? Many men refuse to wear condoms. Plus they're not nearly as reliable as the pill. Guess you'd rather have your tax dollars going to support the astronomical costs of pregnancy/birth/raising a child vs the very small cost of covering bc. So smart, you are.

Mar 01 12 - 2:23pm

Discussing the merits of the "issue" in the comments section doesn't disguise the fact that Limbaugh, on a national radio program, called a law student he doesn't even know a slut and a prostitute. That's nowhere near being acceptable.

Mar 01 12 - 2:30pm
Peorgest plough

Agree completely. He's a louse.

That said, I'm still trying to figure out why the hell so many people seem to think that they are entitled to free birth control. Not birth control covered by their insurance and subject to a co-pay or however they pay for drugs via their normal prescription plan, but for the government to force insurance companies to foot the bill in its entirety.

Mar 02 12 - 12:09am

The idea that the government forces insurance companies to foot the bill in its entirety for anything is complete bunk. The insurance companies get paid for everything they do, whether its in the form of co-pays, monthly premiums, or government subsidies.

Mar 02 12 - 9:29pm

No, not at all. In fact, I think I'm going to have the health insurance companies pay for universal insurance for everyone at no cost to anyone. You know they have CEOs, don't you? And you know how evil capitalism is, don't you? It's time for them to pay their fair share.

"Louse?" Ooh, that's harsh. Or at least it was in the 1920s.

Mar 01 12 - 3:11pm
mr. man

the fact is that the right is losing the culture war. as they have pretty much since the country was founded. slavery, civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, separation of church and state. they lose and they will continue to lose b/c the majority is not as radical as a blowhard like rush.

Mar 02 12 - 9:31pm

Except Republicans opposed slavery and Democrats perpetuated it. Likewise, civil rights , re: Al Gore, Sr.

Probably not losing the culture war, at all, no, although you free to think so since the left has taken on the hugely important issue of making someone pay for someone else's contraception. Huge, weighty issue that.

Mar 01 12 - 3:52pm

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Mar 05 12 - 8:47pm

Mr man said the "right" and the "left", not Dummocrat or Repugnucan. There's always been a difference

Mar 02 12 - 11:34am
You People

Last I heard, private insurance wasn't supported by tax dollars, you dumbasses. That's what's at the heart of the issue. CEO's are getting all butthurt because they have to cover a pre existing condition - being a woman. I don't see anyone crying over medicare (which IS supported by tax dollars) paying for cock pumps for ED (postivac). I, for one, am sick of paying for creepy old men to have sex.

Mar 02 12 - 9:33pm
Nothurting CEO

CEOs couldn't care less; they'll just include the cost in what they charge others. The whole idea that insurance companies will provide contraception for free is as stupid as it is laughable.

No matter, though, the whole thing will be ruled unconstitutional in short order.

Mar 03 12 - 5:36pm
Just wrong

Rush was wrong to call Fluke a slut as there's no evidence to support that term.

It would be more correct to call her a mooch since she wants others to pay for something that she should be responsible for.

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