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Remember that mustachioed cop over at UC Davis who nonchalantly pepper-sprayed a bunch of college kids who were protesting a bunch of tuition hikes by peacefully sitting on the ground? And then remember how he quickly turned into an amazing Internet meme that saw him pepper-spraying the hell out of everything from brilliant artworks to grandma at Thanksgiving dinner? Well, that meme has officially reached its apex: UC Davis cop pepper-sprays Baby Jesus.

But does he do it on a crudely Photoshopped picture? He does not. Is it available on the internet in easy-to-forward-to-your-coworkers-and-family form? It is not. Instead, it exists on a goddamn hand-sewn Christmas sweater!

The sweater is via a photo over at Reddit and is blowing up, rightfully so. The maker is Ms. Abbie Heppe, who immediately gets sole credit for putting an end to the pepper-spraying cop meme. After this, there's no reason for further variations to exist. Plans on celebrating New Year's Eve by editing him into the Times Square ball drop? Shelve that idea. Had Easter plans to dress up as a giant bunny and pepper-spray your eggs? Forget it. The book on this meme is closed.

Commentarium (11 Comments)

Dec 05 11 - 7:33pm

At least Jesus et al had permission to be in the stable. They didn't just set up shop and then refuse to leave because they thought that being taxpayers gave them the right to a room at the inn. They weren't squatters who bitched about a police state because the Romans, who worked their asses off, had it better than they did.

Dec 05 11 - 7:54pm

Just fuck you, you sack of shit, choke on a fucking bag of dicks and die.

Dec 05 11 - 8:01pm

Ha ha ha ha! Merry Christmas, shithead.

Dec 05 11 - 8:10pm

@jcm800- why don't you go on a hunger strike. Then maybe I'll change my view. :-)

Dec 05 11 - 8:48pm

I just assumed the main comment above was meant as sarcastic satire because it was pretty funny. If it was meant as a serious comment, well, if you want to analogize the OWS folks to Jesus and the 1% and their minions to the Romans, sure go ahead, though I'm not sure how that works to the advantage of your position.

Dec 06 11 - 2:10pm
okay is a fucktard

Santa was the first multinational to ship jobs off shore so he could avoid paying taxes in the country he makes a living from and hire cheap labor

Dec 06 11 - 2:15pm
okay is a fucktard

lame O thought, shithead.

Dec 06 11 - 2:32pm

Looks like I found all my bitches.

Dec 22 11 - 11:31pm

BTW profrobert is a pretentious fucktard

Dec 05 11 - 7:39pm

Officer John Pike will be remembered.

Dec 06 11 - 3:31am

Memorialized on a sweater as the Christmas Pooh from South Park.